Did That Really Just Happen?

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Sorry for the wait! Hope this is worth it!

I'd managed to untangle myself from my ex and frantically stuff all my belongings into my suitcase. Kimi still lay shirtless on my bed as I ran into the bathroom to grab a quick shower and change my clothes for my flight to Spain.


My phone ringing brought me dashing back out after shutting off the water and wrapping a towel around myself.

"I'll be downstairs in ten minutes! Hope your hung over ass is ready!" she yelled down the phone at me before I even had chance to utter a syllable and then she was gone. I huffed at the pointless call but then freaked out I was gonna be late.

"you gotta go!" I yelled at Kimi in a panic as he continued watching me running about. He laughed at me and I scowled. "I mean it Kimi!" I warned him as I stood in the bathroom pulling on my underwear.

My jeans were tugged on next, along with a Prince T-shirt and my battered converse. As I came out of the bathroom I saw him loitering beside my carry on. I frowned at him and thought nothing more of it and headed to my suitcase to stuff the last of my clothes in.


"do you have everything?" he asked as I took a last glance around my room. "I think so" I sighed, relieved I had managed to get it all done on time, no help from Kimi either... "we go then" he said, opening the door. "you're not leaving out of the lobby are you?" I asked surprised as we walked down the hallway. "are you ashamed of being seen with me?" he quirked an eyebrow at me. I smirked, "actually..." I teased, getting a shove on the shoulder from the Fin. "I have a car waiting in the garage for me" he answered as we stopped in front of the lift. "are you heading home now?" I asked, pressing the call button. "yes, to visit my parents. It is their wedding anniversary" he told me, making me smile. "send them my love" I told him, he nodded, "they miss you" he said. I looked up at him with a blush, "they ask about you all of the time" he added as the lift doors opened. I never said a word and walked into the lift.


We stood inside the lift in silence. Strangely I felt really weird after he told me that. But the truth was, I kinda missed them too. I just pretty much missed everything that was about Kimi. I did feel guilty too if they always asked about me when I broke his heart. And I wondered if they knew why we'd broken up. "sorry" I found myself saying, as I stared at my toes. His head darted in my direction and he frowned. "for having to go through telling them....for everything I guess" I said. Well I certainly wasn't expecting to come out with that. I think the thought of him having to go through it all again with his family made the guilt come flooding back. I looked up timidly to his face and when he saw the tears in my eyes, he turned to the buttons on the wall and stalled the lift.

"Kimi? What are y-" then his lips were pressed against mine. It was tender. Gentle, and so, so different to the kisses we'd shared over the passed twelve hours.

"do not apologise." he whispered after pulling his lips away from mine. He was cupping my cheeks in his hands as I tried to blink away my tears. "it was something we could not control." he told me, looking into my eyes. He sighed as he brushed a rogue tear from my cheek. "You can't change your feelings" he whispered. I bit my lip to hold back the whimper of my cries. I had to wonder if he was talking about the way he felt about me or about my decision on why we broke up. What I did know was he was both right and wrong.

"you think that is true?" I whispered back, neither of us moving an inch. He started to smile a little, "yes" he answered without hesitation. "no matter how long we would be apart, I will always be in love with you" he confessed. My knees almost gave way as I heard those words fall from his mouth as he looked back into my eyes with the intensity he always looked at me. My heart could barely take it. But I swallowed hard and pushed back the tears. "well I think you're wrong" I added, changing his expression to a frown. The loss of his hands from my face made me feel alone as he stepped back a little. He ran a hand through his hair, the feeling of rejection evident from his body language. "Kimi..." I stepped closer to him, his eyes hard now, his walls back up. "you think you can't change your feelings" I began, stepping closer to him as he stood back against the wall of the still immobile lift. "well, yeah that's kinda true, I'm still madly in love with you" I admitted, as I watched his gaze slowly soften ever so slightly. "but you can also change em" I said, looking down to the floor between us. Here goes nothin  "cause I realised one thing when I walked away from this world" I said raising my arms up around us. "I knew I'd barely survive without you being with me. But the only way I could, would be having a part of you beside me when you couldn't be" I said, not really explaining this too well. I looked up into his eyes and there was a slight glint in his eye. I felt a small smile creep to my lips, "I would give anything to have your babies Kimi." I confessed, knowing my world could come shattering down with his next words.

But his next words never came. Instead I was picked up and pushed up against the wall of the lift. I giggled as I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Babies?!" he smirked, emphasising the plural. I giggled, "a whole ice hockey team if you want" I smirked. The smile Kimi gave me was one I'd never seen before.

Sadly, our precious moment was disturbed by my phone. "shit! Sophia!" I gasped as it rang from my bag. Kimi didn't care, he just looked at me with that tender expression, eyes full of love. He reached across, still holding me, and pressed the button for the lift to carry on descending.

As it reached the bottom floor, he let me go and I stood beside him. "I love you Bella" he said, making me look up at him. Taking my hand he led me across the lobby and to the awaiting car and Sophia. "what about-"
"I don't give a Fuck." he answered, making me smile. And the look on Sophia's face made me laugh more. "be safe" he whispered, kissing the top of my head. "I will see you in Spain" he said. He gave Sophia a nod and then he was off heading to his own car in the garage. Did that really just happen?!

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