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Possible trigger warning? But oh the feels...

The weekend went by in an absolute blur. I was run off my feet everyday since Thursday and now that the race was over, I wanted to relax a little. The result for Lance was his first finish, he placed 11th so just out of the points, but hell it was his best result of the season so far, so he was ready to celebrate. Seb came in after Bottas, claiming 2nd, so naturally he and Sophia were keen on dragging me to a few bars with the rest of the team.

I was still a little pissed with Callum for talking to Lance about me at Sophia's birthday, but I chose to push it to the back of my head for the night. I wasn't in the mood for confrontation. Or so I thought...


We'd been in the club for a few hours, myself and sophia dancing as we liked to do, and surprisingly I had downed more than a few shots, which wasn't like me at all. "oh what the fuck is he doing here?" I spat, seeing Kimi taking a seat beside Seb at our table. Sophia laughed, "he came third, do you expect him to stay home?" she asked. I shrugged, "I don't, want him here" I snapped, "tough shit" she laughed at me again. I looked round to her and she rolled her eyes. "ignore him. I don't want you getting upset again." She told me, trying to move in between me and my view of him. "I'm getting another drink" I huffed, turning away from my friend and heading to the bar.



She avoided me all the night. Could I blame her? No. After the way I was acting with her lately, I should not have been surprised she would not come near me. I had been so foolish. When I was with her I could forget all of our past. But then something would catch me right as I started to fall again and I would be cold towards her again. It really had to stop. I wasn't sure how she felt about me anymore, I would not be surprised if she hated me now. With the look on her face tonight, it would suggest so. And I hadn't been blatantly watching her tonight as I had found myself doing before. I kept one eye on her though, her behaviour was certainly different from the Bella I usually saw.



The room was spinning slightly, but I didn't want to care. So I kept dancing. Sophia was worried about me, I knew that, but I wasn't in the mood to care about that either. I told her I was fine and to go be with Seb. She reluctantly left me, so I carried on dancing. Kimi can go fuck himself. If he didn't want me, then I'd find someone who would. And that's when I spotted my victim. I'd seen him earlier in the night, a tall, handsomely rugged guy, shaved head and stubble. My usual type. He was out with a group of his friends, but he'd passed a smile or two my way during the night, and now he was making his way over to me.

"Hello" he smiled down at me, Jesus I didn't realise how tall he actually was. "Hi" I smiled up at him, feeling even dizzier at his height. He smiled at me, catching me as I stumbled a little. "Are you alone now?" He asked in a thick Russian accent. I nodded back at him, feeling his hands slide around my waist. "Good. I have wanted to dance with you all night" he whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine. I bit my lip as I looked back at him, and taking his chance, he leant forward, pressing a kiss to my lips. It took me off guard a little, but I wasn't complaining, I just wanted to have a little fun.



"Who is that with Bella?" Sebastian asked Sophia as we sat around the table drinking. I looked across the dance floor and saw her with some guy, who had his hands all over her. My blood pressure immediately started to rise. "I don't know, but I'd seen him watching her all night." Sophia answered, looking round at her too. I didn't like what I was seeing. "She is drunk. She needs taking home" I found myself saying, not taking my eyes from her. "Well it looks like he'll be doing that" I turned round to see Callum grinning. "She is not safe with him!" I snapped at him. "C'mon man, you still have feelings for her, we get it, but you gotta let her go." He shrugged at me. I felt that I was about to lose it with him, when Seb caught my attention. "Kimi" I looked across at him as he nodded over to the dance floor, his face looking worried. My head darted round to where Bella was, seeing that guy all over her. I saw the look on her face as he had his face against her neck. I saw her trying to push him away. I leapt out of my seat, not hesitating an instant. She needed me.



"Come on, let's go back to my place" he growled in my ear, as his grasp on my body got a little tighter. The room was spinning and my mind was still fuzzy, but I felt his demeanour change quickly. I frowned as his hands slipped down, cupping my bum. "No....I...I don't want that" I said, trying to push him away from me. "Yes I know it. You're coming home with me beautiful. You had me hooked all night, you cannot play with me like this" he said, attempting to bite my neck. "No!" I yelled, pushing him back. He stumbled a little, looking at me dazed, at how I managed to push him off me. My mind suddenly cleared, the tipsy mood I had currently been in was erased and tears brimmed my eyes as what this guy was suggesting. I didn't want any of this. I just wanted a good night and some flirting. Not this...

"Bella!" I looked to my left, seeing Kimi push his way through the crowded dance floor. He yelled something at the Russian guy, causing him to retaliate and I thought for a second or two a fight was about to break out. But I found myself fleeing. I ran. Moving through the crowds of people and to the exit of the club. I was embarrassed, ashamed of the state I had allowed myself to get in, and the risk I had taken. And he of all people was the one to come and help me. And I left him there. I had to. I didn't want him to see me this way.


I walked out into the street, the cool air hitting my bare skin. I shivered, wishing I'd brought a jacket, I wrapped my arms around myself and headed down the road towards my hotel.

My heels scraped along the floor, echoing off the building around me. It was pretty quiet around here. Or it felt that way to me, as I was all alone. Again. With just my tears for company. Couples wandered passed me, looking at my weeping form as I made my way to the safety of my hotel.

"Bella!" I heard my name being called. I couldn't make out who it was at first, but honestly I didn't want to talk to anyone, I wanted to wallow in my shame. I ignored the voice and carried on. "Bella!" They yelled again, hearing heavy footsteps behind me, I turned around, wiping a tear from my blurry eyes. "Come to gloat Raikkonen?" I snapped at him as he approached me. I didn't want to hang around and listen to him so I turned away and carried on walking. "I wanted to see that you are okay" he said, knowing he was following me. "You should not be walking around this place at night" he added. I just wanted to be left alone. "Leave me alone Kimi!" I barked at him, still not wanting to look at him. "I will when I know you are in your hotel room" he answered me quietly. I stopped in my tracks and flew around to finally face him. "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU PRETENDING TO CARE RAIKKONEN?!" I yelled at him, making him pause in his footsteps. Our eyes locked. I saw the hurt in his when I shouted those words at him, and I couldn't help but feel regret for saying it. But it's how I felt. "Bella..." He sighed, taking a step closer to me. "NO KIMI!" I exclaimed, holding my arm out to stop him from coming near me. He paused once more, his eyes still locked onto mine. "Why are you messing with my head?" I whispered through the tears that were pouring down my cheeks. His eyes were pleading with mine as he carefully took another step closer to me. "I do not mean to Bella" he answered softly, Edging closer again, like I was a fragile bomb ready to blow. That analogy probably wasn't too far off...

He came evermore closer, finally standing inches from my body. I felt his warmth radiate off of him and the crisp smell of his cologne waft around me. I wanted nothing more than to melt against him. "Kulta" he breathed out, lifting his hand to cup my cheek. "Kimi" I sobbed out, knowing it was useless to try and fight my tears. " can't call me that." I cried out, trying to stop the pain in my heart. His own watery eyes questioned my statement. "M-Minttu" I chocked out, swallowing hard. He frowned and shook his head softly, the corners of his mouth curled up ever so slightly. "I am no longer with her" he replied, brushing a tear away with his thumb. I looked up into his eyes, just staring into those icy blue pools when I involuntarily shivered. I wasn't sure if it was the cold or the fact I was in this moment with him, but he looked to my body and saw the goosebumps all over my skin. "Come, let's go and get you warmed up" he said softly. My heart mourned the loss of his gentle touch on my cheek, but when he nervously placed his hand ever so gently around my waist, I felt a small smile come to my features as we took a slow walk the remaining few feet to my hotel.

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