Time Out

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"you want a bucket Bella?" I looked up from the couch to see the cheeky smile of Lance shining at me. "bite me Stroll" I groaned back at him. He chuckled and closed the door to his motorhome gently. I smiled a little at him as I watched him walk over to me- sitting on the edge of the seat. "how many times have you hurled?" he asked, brushing my hair out of my face. I rolled my eyes at him, but grimaced as the room started spinning. "ugh...." I curled up even more, "why the hell did I drink so much?" I whined, clutching my stomach. "because you're stupid...Irresponsible..." I shot him a glare and he laughed more, "can I get you anything?" 

"I should be asking you that" I attempted to laugh. His brown eyes were looking at me with the sparkle they always did. "what?" I smiled at him, growing suspicious. He opened his mouth as if he was about to speak but then shook his head. "Lance?" I questioned, shuffling to lean up on my elbow. "I just..." he sighed, wringing his hands together, "Now that you and Kimi are back together, living together-"

"not yet we're not" I chipped in with a smile, He rolled his eyes but continued, "w-will you be moving back to Ferrari?" he looked back at me nervously. My eyes looked between his and I saw just how unsure of this he was. "No, I've not been asked- Lance, why are you even thinking about this?" I questioned, sitting up a little more as I held his gaze. He looked away from me, back to his hands and he started to bite his nails. Such an annoying habit he had when he was anxious. "everyone knows how much you loved working with Ferrari, and Kimi wants you back there with him. Sophia too...I just- I thought we were an awesome team. A-and I guess I just- I'm gonna miss you is all" he said. When I didn't reply to him, he gingerly looked up, meeting my eyes with his and he scoffed at the warm cheesy smile I was giving him so I laughed. "Look, I miss working with Ferrari. They really were like my family. I mean, there's nothing like being in this world right?" I asked and he nodded with a smile, "But as for going back there? I dunno. I've not seriously thought about it, and no one has officially asked me to go back. Even Kimi hasn't said anything else." I shrugged. 

"but you're my family too" I added, giving him a nudge. "don't just think I'm going to drop everything and go rushing back there as soon as they click their fingers...and that's if they want me there anyway" I added. Lance took deep sigh and nodded. "Love ya Bells" He he smiled and i grinned back at him, "love you too" I replied. 

"SO!" he suddenly yelled clapping his palms together. I instantly winced and flopped back against the couch. "let's go fucking race!" he bellowed excitedly as I frowned and moved back into fetal position. 


The day could not have been any longer than it was. The heat, combined with the noise of the environment around me- not to mention the smells of the engines too...I mean, this was usually my heaven, but with this bitch of a hangover, I was dying to get to my hotel room. 

"you really are getting too old for this aren't you Stark" That smug voice smirked as I collapsed against the wall of the Force India catering building. It called out to me at this time of day, being it provided a cool shady spot for me. I looked up from my spot on the grass and broke out into a smile. "I think I actually am" I chuckled. I watched as he came and took a seat beside me, resting that beaten up old brown leather notebook on his lap. His big blue eyes looked at me with amusement and the grin he shone was wide. "we have more in common that you like to admit Arabella..." he teased me, and I smirked. "I never said we didn't- you just piss me off" I grinned back at him. "Like all big brother's should" he added with a giggle, before throwing a packet of painkillers at me. I laughed and shoved him with my shoulder. "why are you still here anyway?" I asked, rubbing my temples. "I got held up with some interview for the BBC. Then I spotted you over here looking like a drunken bum, so I figured I'd come to your rescue." he answered, amusement never leaving his voice. I shot him a look but couldn't help grinning back at him. "well thank you" I said, "why are you still here?" he responded, "I thought you would have been back at the hotel by now, celebrating one of Stroll's only finishes." Sebastian teased. I snorted at him and rolled my eyes. "it's not that bad..." i scoffed, earning a look off Seb. "Okay, okay, yes, I hate that the car isn't the fastest...and that there's too many DNA's this season, but its not the kid's fault. He deserves more than he's getting right now...even if he is only a rookie. It's in his heart to want to fight for it. He just needs time." I shrugged. "or you need to come back to Ferrari..."
"oh Vettel! you sound like Kimi" I scoffed in slight annoyance. "everyone keeps asking me if I'm going back to Ferrari." I sighed, "No one from the team have contacted me. Nor have I really thought about it. I just want to get on with my job. Especially now there's no real drama surrounding me and Kimi. I just wanna enjoy my job, enjoy my boyfriend and get excited for my best friends wedding" I breathed out trying to calm myself, stretching my legs out in front of me. "Neither of us can wait to see you guys tie the knot. And quite frankly, I just want one day that isn't about me and Kimi." I giggled. "Me too Bella" Seb added, making me giggle more. "Spending a few weeks back home will be perfect" he admitted "time away from the track is coming at the right time for all of us I think" he added. 

"how are you feeling about the wedding? Any nerves erupting as yet?" I asked, turning to look at him. His usually cheeky face held that smile, making me grin, "maybe a little" he confessed. "wouldn't be normal if ya didn't right?" I replied and he shrugged. "I guess so" he answered. "But I can't wait to marry her. It's the stupid things that I'm excited about most...like seeing Mrs on the letters that arrive through the mail. Sharing a bank account with her, in our name. Calling her my wife. None of how we live will change, but, I guess it's why people say it's just a piece of paper. But it's more than that y'know?" 

I couldn't disagree with him. It was way more than a piece of paper. To me too anyway. It is a life long commitment. Pledging the rest of your life to someone. The biggest step you can make with someone, other than creating a life with them of course. "thank you Seb."

"what for?" he turned his head to look at me. "for everything." I shrugged. "you've been there for every one of us." I looked back at him. "you make my best friend so happy. You look out for my dumb ass boyfriend, and lord knows he needs babysitting more than most." i rolled my eyes as he laughed, "and for being there for me too. I never need to ask anything of you, because I know you're always there if I need you. Even when I wasn't around, and things were tough for Kimi and me. I know you had my back too. So thank you" 

Sebastian, ever the modest gentleman, shook his head to dismiss my words, but I scoffed at him lightly, "you really drive me crazy Vettel" I sighed as he looked back to me. "and I always will Arabella. Every day that I can" he grinned widely before getting up and turning to hold out his hand for me. "that's what scares me" I laughed as I took it and he pulled me up from the ground. He giggled at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "how about we stop wasting time at this track and go grab a drink before we have to go back to the hotel?" he suggested, "Soph is driving me crazy with finalizing plans...I didn't think there'd be anything else to finalize at this point!" he whined. "ah so that's the reason you're still hanging around here?!" I gasped, making him laugh. "maybe that too..." he confessed grinning at me as we walked through the mostly empty paddock. "imagine what she'll be like when you guys get pregnant?!" I gasped, "all those hormones..." I teased, holding back my grin. Sebastian's smirk dropped as he looked back at me wide eyed, "one thing at a time Bells. I can't deal with the idea of that as well right now" 

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