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"This place is just amazing" I said in awe as I looked around the grounds of Seb and Soph's wedding venue. It had that feel of an enchanted palace with the glitz and glamour that one would expect from a Formula One wedding. I definitely felt like Cinderella right now- the pre finding her prince...Sophia gave me a nervous look as she let out a shaky breath. "I just hope it all comes together okay" she said as we walked behind the organiser who would be leading the day- in 4 days time. We were here to go over everything for one final time before she arrived here on the morning of her wedding. I was feeling the nerves for her. "it will be absolutely perfect" I smiled at her, honestly believing it. She deserved the perfect day, and between the venue, Vettel, Kimi and myself, she was bloody going to get it. Her face lit up a little more as she saw the confidence on my face, and I grabbed her hand. "come on, let's go and look at the ceremony room one more time before we go and grab lunch" I whispered to her excitedly making her giggle and squeeze my hand in hers.


We'd decided to stay and have a little lunch at the venue too, being we'd travelled a fair way to get to this place, we figured it made sense to spend a little longer here. "I know we're not in England, but with this countryside and these sarnies, hell I feel like we're back home" I half mumbled with a mouth full of bread. Soph giggled at me and nodded. "It was one of the reasons I picked this place. When I saw the grounds, it just reminded me of the village I grew up on. Reminded me of the best years of my life back then" she told me, making me feel surprisingly warm inside. "Sebastian was just elated to be able to marry me in Germany" she added with a laugh. "I'll bet. I guess it kinda makes sense having your guests fly out, I mean, isn't his list like three quarters of the bloody guest list?!" I laughed and she rolled her eyes. "and then some" she scoffed, making me laugh. "could you imagine Kimi's list?!" she gasped, "eh, I don't have to" I shrugged, sounding a little bitter. "what?" 

I looked up at Soph and she was just staring at me with raised brows. "what?" I echoed her question. "what's the attitude about?" she questioned. I huffed and shook my head as I put my little sandwich onto the plate. "nothing" I replied. "why do I always have to fight to get stuff out of you lately?" she asked me sounding a little irked. I felt my cheeks flush red and I chewed on my lip. "because I don't feel like myself anymore" I burst out, a little louder than anticipated. Her brown eyes were wide for a moment but then she relaxed and leaned closer. "what? why?" she asked me looking a little confused. I sighed and rubbed my face.

"All the stuff I've been through with him. It's changed me." I sighed. "Losing him was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. You know I was in a dark place after I left. I never thought in a million years I'd be back there- the thought of even speaking to him again was a ridiculous thought." I said, "but then look what happened" Soph interrupted. "He saw you and the moment he did, he couldn't pretend you didn't exist anymore. All those months of trying to push you out of his head were for nothing, because you were there." she smiled, I knew she thought our story was a romantic one, even if it was a bit turbulent. "I know, and I am so happy that he loves me as much as I love him- but that's just it" I said, "I'm turning into this needy girl that feels like I need so much reassurance. That's not me. It never has been me" I cried. Soph rolled her eyes at me as I blinked back at her. "do you not think that the shit you've been through with him as naturally made you wary? That you were both loved up in this perfect couple and then all of a sudden- out of the blue you split. That's bound to make anyone insecure. But honestly Bells, I hate to say it, but you were the one that had to break it off..." she said nervously. But she was right. I sighed and nodded. "maybe that's it. Maybe the fact that I walked away from him, has me in some way subconsciously on edge that he might do it to me" I said biting my lip. "maybe that's why I hate anyone talking about us getting married. Because I know he doesn't want to get married again. He's already done it. And hell I even hate that. I hate that he's been married and he won't marry me!" I cried, "like what the hell is wrong with me?! I've never cared about him being with her before. Why now?! Why am I being a pussy about this?!" I cried, "I'm starting to sound like fucking Minttu" I rolled my eyes as I said her name. God I hated her too. And that was another thing, there was too much hate and negativity going around me right now.

"Will you just calm down" Soph scolded me. I sighed and sat back in my chair with my arms folded across my chest. "You're acting like most women." she laughed. "who likes the thought of exes?" she asked me. "you're not in that 'first stage of a relationship' anymore Bells" she smirked. "this is real. You're about to move in with him. Really starting to show that commitment." She said, sitting back and mirroring my posture. "and maybe, just maybe you're starting to realise that you want to marry him and be with him in all those ways that you didn't want to admit to before." she smirked. 

Ugh, I hated it when she was right.


After a long day at the venue, we were back at their home, ready to make dinner. Seb had just gotten home too, and ready for some food. Being that they were on their summer break from racing, he still couldn't let his training or his diet plan slide, so we were very aware to stick to what he needed to consume. So we did too. But we didn't choose to tell him about the box of doughnuts we devoured earlier on after we'd gotten home....

"So when is that Miserable bastard getting here?!" Sebastian yelled to me from the kitchen. I smirked and got up from the couch and made my way over. "tomorrow" I smirked, loving the description of his best friend. "he does know we have our suit fitting tomorrow afternoon doesn't he?" Seb asked, looking at me with worried blue eyes. I smiled and nodded, picking up the towel to dry the dishes he was washing. "yep, he lands at 2pm, ready to head straight there for 3" I said, but Sebastian stopped and looked back at me with a white face. "b-but the fitting is at 1.30!" he stammered. I couldn't help messing with him, but not for too long because that worried little baby face was just too much and I burst out laughing. 

"only playing Seb" I laughed, "he lands at 12. He said he was going to meet you there" I said before I almost got drenched as he splash a load of dish water at me. I gasped out as it hit me, right as Sophia walked in, "what the hell!?" She gasped seeing us fighting. "there's water all over the fucking floor!" she cried, throwing her hands up in the air. "she started it!" Seb whined pointing his sudsy finger at me. I rolled my eyes, "snitch" I snorted at him. "Bella!"

"but he started the water throwing!" I argued back. "go and get the mop out of the utility room" she scorned me, "I bet you were a right teacher's pet at school" I hissed at him as I passed by him. He grinned at me and I knew he was. "get it cleaned up. Honestly!" Sophia huffed. "and hurry up! The Bodyguard is about to start!" She said, before disappearing back off into the living room. 

"you've got it coming Vettel" I warned him as I mopped up the floor, but jumped as another sprinkling of water hit me. I looked up to see him giggling. "come on Cinderella, chop chop!" He giggled at me. 

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