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The Chinese Grand Prix was yet another bust. Another DNF under Lance's belt. It was a disappointing start to the season to say the least but we were dealing with it. Things could only get better right?

So today, we were in Bahrain. It was a Wednesday afternoon, and after spending the morning doing some stuff at the track, Lance was with his trainer working out. Me? Well I had cleared my diary and about to spend a few relaxing hours with my bestie.


I walked into the hotel lobby, thankful of the air conditioning. The maxi dress I wore was cool, but the heat was surprising me for this time of year. I lifted my sunglasses onto the top of my head and pulled my phone out of my purse to text Sophia. "may I help you miss?" a charming voice interrupted my texting. I looked up and smiled at the older man, "oh thank you, but I'm just waiting for my friend, she'll be down in a minute" I smiled at him. He nodded at me and smiled, carrying on his journey to wherever he was going. As I began to look back to my phone I happened to glance up to the doorway. My heart stopped. Noooo. No. Why now?! Fortunately he didn't see me, looking down at his phone as he stood at the opposite side of the lobby.

Get your arse down here ASAP! Kimi has just walked in! Xxx

Okay! He's meeting Seb. Must be early. Won't be long! Go talk to him ;) xxx

I frowned at her message and decided to ignore it.



As soon as I'd walked into the hotel I saw her. I cursed Seb. He knew we'd talked a little, so had he planned this? Even he wouldn't be that stupid. I looked down to my phone and pretended not to see her. I didn't want her to catch me staring again. But I could not help it. She looked beautiful. As she always did. She spoke to a man who worked here, she smiled at him, that smile. She got me every time with that smile. After all this time that still hadn't changed. I noticed then that she saw me. Her smile dropped slightly, her head hung down, looking at her phone as she was frantically typing away. It hurt that she felt that way around me. I never expected things to turn out this way. I certainly didn't want them to. I thought about going and talking to her. But she would probably feel awkward.


Why is he staring at me again?! Did he want me to feel uncomfortable? I huffed, checking the time on my phone. C'mon Soph. I could practically feel his eyes burning into me as I stood across from him in the lobby. It was hard not to look back at him though, y'know like when you're not supposed to look round at someone your friend is talking about and it's all you want to do? Yeah, it was like that. I shuffled from foot to foot, anxiously waiting for Soph, when I contemplated heading outside to wait for her. I sighed and looked around, trying to distract myself from him, but as I looked around I noticed him still watching me. So I looked directly at him, and he actually smiled at me. And not a fake smile, or one to wind me up. It was actually a genuine Kimi smile. But just a small one. I frowned in confusion, which he seemed to notice and he chuckled. I found myself blushing and the corner of my mouth raised up in a tiny smirk. I dropped my head down, hiding behind my hair when the lift door opened and out came Seb and Soph. Finally.

I put my phone back into my bag and met Soph in the middle of the lobby. "sorry Bella" she said a little flustered. I glanced between the two of them and widened my eyes, "I don't wanna know what kept you" I said, making Seb chuckle. "I see you had company" he smirked, seeing Kimi waiting in his spot. "did you plan this Vettel?!" I hissed at him as we all seemed to move then, "what? no! why would I want World War three breaking out in the hotel lobby?!" he asked, yet with that playful grin on his face. I frowned at him, but as I was about to give him some comment in return, I realized the three of us had walked over to Kimi. crap. His eyes were still on me, an amused expression on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him as we stood with Seb and Soph between us, Kimi leaning back against the wall. "finished staring Raikkonen?" I mouthed at him causing him to break out another smile. "you ready to go?" Soph looked to me, being aware of Kimi's presence, yet she was unaware of our exchange. "yeah, let's go" I said, with a nod. She kissed Seb goodbye, waved to Kimi and I the same to Vettel and ignored the Fin. I felt his stare once again as we walked out of the lobby. What the fuck was I doing?!


"what is he playing at?" I sighed as we sat outside of a little bistro waiting for our lunch. "what?"

"Kimi. He gawps at me whenever he sees me and I swear we were flirting earlier"


"I know." I nodded and proceeded to tell her what happened in the lobby. "fucking hell Bella." Soph stared at me wide eyed. "what the hell am I playing at?!" I cried, taking a sip of my water. "I try to avoid him like the plague, especially after bumping into him in Australia, and cause he randomly smiles at me in a hotel lobby, which I return, I find myself saying finished staring Raikkonen" I mocked myself in a silly high pitched voice, batting my lashes for dramatic effect. Soph giggled. "AND he's got a crazy ass girlfriend" I said, spitting that word out. Soph looked at me as our meals were being served.

"someone jealous?" she raised her brow. I instantly frowned at her absurd comment. "heck no! why would I be jealous?!" I asked. Soph looked over her salad at me with that really? look. I rolled my eyes at her, stabbing my tagliatelle rather over enthusiastically. "Bella, it's okay if you are" Sophia said softly. I'm not. I wasn't. I aren't. right? "it's cool. I'm cool" I replied, twirling my fork around. I sighed as my pasta unraveled. "I'm not am I" I cried a little, staring at my pasta. Why did it feel like it was symbolizing my life right now? Soph placed her fork down and moved round the table to sit beside me. Her arm wrapped around my shoulders and I rested the side of my head against hers. "it's okay Bells. Really it is. It's only natural for you to feel like this seeing him again"

"but it still hurts so bad. And he's moved on. He's with that fucking Minttu" I said venomously, even though tears were now bubbling in my eyes. "I'm so pathetic." I sobbed. "hey now. No you're not. You can't expect to be thrust back into this environment and act like nothing ever happened" she sighed, stroking my hair a little. "Besides, he isn't acting like nothing ever happened is he? He can't take his eyes off you" she giggled slightly. "Why else would Minttu still be here?"

"What do you mean?" I said, raising my head to look at her. "Minttu never comes to many of the races, she never has. The only reason she has this season is because you're here" Sophia explained. "Word had gotten to her somehow that you were here with Stroll and she flew out on the Thursday night to be with Kimi in Melbourne" she smirked. "Before she even knew how you guys would react she was here to keep an eye on him." She added. "Somehow I don't think her being here will stop his feelings for you" I sighed and shook my head. "Kimi wouldn't do anything whilst he's with someone. He's not like that" I told her, she nodded, "besides, what me and he had, it's done."

"I wouldn't be so sure..." Soph sighed playfully at me. I frowned, shaking my head. "Just because we've had a few moments near each other without ripping each other's heads off, doesn't mean anything" I said, "besides, he has moved on. He's happy with her..." C'mon, I know I was lying to myself right now. Sophia raised her eyebrow at me, shaking her head as she took to her original seat opposite me. "You try and believe that all you want, but you know damn well what's in his head." She said, pushing a lettuce leaf into her mouth. "You know Kimi better than Kimi"

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