Calm Before The Storm

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"don't worry about it Seb" Sophia cooed as she ran her hand through my scruffy blonde hair. I sighed. "it's just shit before anything has even happened" I said, looking up at my fiancé as I layed on the couch with my head resting on her lap. "he's never wanted to talk about her, he refused to even acknowledge he was hurting"
"he still is" she interrupted me. "what was I meant to do? When I saw she was in the paddock, walking passed the tent no less, just let him bump into her? Can you imagine what he'd have done if he knew then?!" I exclaimed. "he needs to get his head sorted out" Sophia said, playing with my hair. I nodded. " if hes over her like he says he is, then he needs to start acting like it. Instead of like a little boy who can't get his own way" she added. "well you can tell him that." I replied, "cause if I even mention her name again, he'll probably kick me in the balls."



Kimi knows x

A feeling of complete and utter dread filled my body as I read the text off Sophia. A crack of thunder startled me, looking out the window at the torrential rain, my mood now matched it. Dark, miserable and relentless. I quickly typed a message back.

Well three days on the downlow is better than none. I guess...x

She must have been sitting with her phone, as much as I, because I got an instant reply.

Absolutely. I'd hate to be an interviewer today. He's gonna have it in for everyone. X

I grimaced at the thought.

Oh Fuck. How did he find out? X

Seb. He saw you walk passed the tent. So he thought best to warn K. Did not go down well x

Oh well, he's gonna have to man up and get on with it. I'm not going to leave coz he doesnt like it. X

Ahem sister. I'll catch you later, got a couple interviews with seb to do xxx

Yeah, we'll be heading over to the conference soon xxx

I tucked my phone back into my pocket and stood up off the couch. The Williams motor home was pretty swish, and it felt more welcoming than the idea of going to the drivers conference. As I thought of desperate ways to get out of going, the door opened and Lance strolled in.

"you ready to go?" he asked with a smile. I laughed a little, "I'm meant to be asking you that" I smiled, he shrugged, "just excited I guess" he grinned. His enthusiasm and excitement couldn't help but rub off on you, and being there with him somehow made me calm, if only for a second or two.

I grabbed my bag, jacket and water bottle and we headed to the door. I pulled the jacket on and Lance opened the door. We were met by more rain, but it was the tiniest bit lighter. "well," Lance sighed, "guess we're in the calm before the storm." he said, jumping out into the miserable weather. "ya got that right..." I muttered as I closed the door and joined him in running down the paddock.

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