Crazy Ex Girlfriends

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Whizzing around the streets of Barcelona in our rental car was just what we needed. A break from work, men and time to have fun. "will you stop moaning about the car! We can't always travel about in Ferrari's" Soph rolled her eyes as we flew down the road by the Olimpic Marina. I smirked at her, knowing I was rubbing on her nerve. "here. Let's pull over here and start this shopping extravaganza!" she squeaked with excitement. It was a good job I chose to wear my flip flops today...


"are you totally set on pink?" I asked walking through the doors of our twelfth store. "well I haven't seen a dress in another colour I like" Sophia sighed disappointedly. "or one in pink...." I added, a little timidly, hoping not to upset her even more. "I guess you might have to wear a bin bag... " she sighed, pretending to be serious. "I could work a bin bag" I sassed, flicking my hair over my shoulder. Sophia laughed at me. I was determined to have fun with her regardless today. Bridesmaids dress or not.

"how about this?" I asked, quirking a brow as I pulled out a baby blue feather ball gown. Soph grinned, "we can't be wearing the same outfit" she smirked, "please God I hope you're lying" I muttered as I pushed it back onto the rail. "or this?!" I gasped, seeing a gold sequined dress that fell to the floor. Sophia gasped at it, "that's amazing" she whispered, in awe of the dress. "but the price tag's not" I nearly choked, "two grand!!" Sophia swallowed, eyes wide open. I laughed, "I love you Bells, but not that much" she added. I rolled my eyes. I looked around the store and nothing stood out. Everything was exquisite, but not what Sophia wanted.

"Bells..." I heard her give me a warning call. "what?" I asked, turning to where she was standing. "why is she here?" I frowned, looking around until I spotted the person she was talking about. And before I had a chance to even say something in response, she came strutting on over to us, well Sophia.

"Sophia! Hi! How nice to find you here! Taking a little time to shop before race week?!" she smiled that awkward smile that looked so forced on her plastic-y looking face. "Minttu! I didn't expect to find you here" Soph smiled in reply, trying to cut through the tension. Miserably. "yes, I'm having a little shopping day, I want to find something pretty to wear for next week" she said, still holding that smile, "it's mine and Kimi's year anniversary and he's taking me out to dinner" she said, flashing me a look. What the Fuck?! I smiled back at her, when really I didn't know how to react, clearly she'd not heard they'd broken up. Not to mention my interesting night spent with the man in question. "oh um, sounds good. Well we best not keep you" Sophia smiled, "see you around" she added, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me out of the store, leaving Minttu waving at us with a smug smile on her face.

"What the hell is that all about?!" Sophia gasped, pulling her sunglasses onto her face. I followed her out of the store and did the same. "Christ knows... Crackhead" I shook my head, following Sophia down the street. "you gonna tell Kimi?" she asked, "yeah, I'll have to. He might not know he's got this anniversary meal to attend" we giggled. "what's with these crazy ex girlfriends though?" I questioned. "you know, you kinda are an ex still?" she pointed out. "but I'm not crazy" I corrected her, making her smirk at me. So I shoved her in the arm, making her laugh. "no, but I heard Hulkenberg had some issue with an ex of his a few years back. Nearly messed things up with his girlfriend." I said, "well wife" I corrected myself. "don't need none of that drama." Sophia added. "yeah. But something tells me this one's gonna be harder to get rid of than Gonorrhea"

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