Ovary Explosion

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I watched the screens as the Ferrari crashed into the Red Bull, "okay someone hit me from the rear and I broke steering" his voice came through on team radio and I swallowed hard. It was never an easy task watching any driver crash, no matter how soft a dink it was or which team suffered as a result, but there's no fear quite like it when the man you love is careering into another car. "I swear one day I'm going to seriously have a heart attack" I muttered to myself as I watched him on the screens. The camera caught sight of him storming through the garage and a wave of relief hit me. "can't wait to see him later" I thought with a smile.


Around an hour later, well into the race, I snuck out into the hallway, down from my little office and called him.

"are you okay?" I sighed, hearing his voice. "yes...he had enough space, there was nothing I could do in that situation. I got hit from the rear. I had no steering" he told me, all the while I nodded. "are you okay?" he asked, knowing how seeing him crash gets to me. "yeah," I sighed, "that little guy crying in the crowd was how I felt inside" I giggled. "I am actually on my way to go meet him" he replied, "what really?" I beamed a smile. "yes,"
"Aww Kimi" I cooed, a warm fuzzy feeling filled my stomach. I heard him hum on the other end of the phone. I giggled, "well have fun, I just wanted to check you're okay. See you later" I smiled and hung up the phone.


I think my ovaries just exploded x

Haha Bella! Just too adorable right! X

Oh God yes. I need that man to impregnate me. Him holding my baby, *died* xx

Better get practicing girl! If you aren't already?! X

:( no. I made a pact with myself. No seeing Little Kimi until all the shit with Minttu was done and we were settled. X

Well... X

I know, but somethings holding me back. Or it was til I'd seen this ovary killing moment. Fuck me x

That's what you need to be telling Kimi x

I laughed at Sophia's text as I ran out of my office to meet Lance in the garage. I had to push my not so innocent thoughts to the back of my head as I focused on the debrief I was about to be a part of.


"well it wasn't a DNF so I can be glad of that." Lance smiled at the guy interviewing him. "my tyres seemed to have no grip, my engineer said my times were steady but I need to look at the data myself" he added. Thanks Lance" the guy nodded and I finally took him out of the pen.

"you know you really gotta throw that thing out" I chuckled as we sat on the back of a golf cart. I had it ready to take us back to our base. "yeah, I guess I've used all its good luck up huh" he gave a slight smile as he looked down at the rabbits foot in his hand. "hmm, I think somehow you scraped through without its help" I grinned, looking out onto the crowds of people we were passing.

As we slowed in the traffic ahead, a little girl was standing with her parents, looking lost and ignored. Her parents seemingly awaiting the presence of the Torro Rosso boys. "hey, little lady" Lance whisper shouted to her. When she heard the noise, she looked up, seeing us sat smiling at her. "you're Lance Stroll" she smiled, her southern American accent making her sound way too cute "hi" she waved, "here, you want my lucky rabbits foot?" he asked, holding it out to her, but just then the cart began to pull away. Her face looked saddened, but Lance threw the foot and I watched as the little girl caught it, the smile she wore now, irremovable. She blew him a kiss as she disappeared into the crowd. "naw" I nudged Lance. "my day is just filled with drivers doing cute things for kids" I virtually hugged myself. "why can't my job always be this pleasant?" I sighed as Lance rolled his eyes. "maybe because you sneak around with drivers from opposing teams?" he teased. I mocked a hurt expression. "I will have you know I do not sneak around." I said, looking down my nose at him, making him smile, "I simply practice my stealth skills. Everyone must have them" I added chirpily. "I guess you need a little more practise huh" he added. I sighed and hung my shoulders in defeat. "apparently so"
"have you issued your statement yet?" I shook my head. "once we get back to Base" I replied, then the cart stopped. We were back.


"c'mon Stark, we need info on those photos with you and Raikkonen" an English voice called out amongst others in the crowd facing me. I rolled my eyes warranting a chuckle off them. "what about them? They're pretty self explanatory" I answered. "so you back with the Iceman?" another voice asked. "it would appear so yes." I answered back. What was I doing?? I had all this speech prepared and instead I was sassing the journalists! Well, it was what I was used to. "how about the girl he was with?!"
"what about her?"
"she said you cheated with Kimi" I rolled my eyes again. I hated this childishness. "that did not happen. When I came back to F1 I had no intention of sparking anything back up with him. Yes he was with another woman at that time. But once that relationship ended, myself and Mr Raikkonen allowed ourselves to reconnect." I answered as carefully as I could." so you were still attracted to him when he was with Minttu?" I sighed, why do I find myself answering these stupid questions? Now I know why Kimi hardly answers any. "well I feel it's quite obvious that I did." I smirked. "what have Williams said about the issue?"
"nothing. I don't believe Claire has the time to be worrying about my relationship status" I smirked, hearing a groan coming from my captive audience. "c'mon Bella, you're dating a Ferrari driver" he stated, I smirked a little more, "hey, our relationship has it's barriers. Team info being one of them. I am not going to risk the teams success on divulging information to him" I said seriously, "besides, I Don't think Ferrari have any worries about Kimi spilling the beans right?" they chuckled. "so thanks guys, I expect you will give us the privacy we deserve. Any more questions on the matter, ask Kimi" I added finally, making them chuckle again and I walked back inside the building. I had a date with a brooding Fin.


"So I saw your photos with that little boy." I smiled, jumping onto the bed beside a half asleep Kimi. I layed on my stomach looking up at him, layed on his back, still in his Ferrari shirt and black shorts. "hmm" was the response I received. I bit my lip and shuffled up the bed a little. He didn't move. Since finishing my chat with the media, and everything settled up, I was in a rather playful mood. And we had a couple hours before the end of race night out....

"yeah" I whispered, sliding my fingers up to the little collar of his shirt. "it was incredibly cute" I whispered, pulling the collar away from that thick muscular neck of his. I pressed my lips against his warm skin, causing him to stir a little. I littered kisses along his neck, to behind his ear, then I ran my tongue along the shell of his ear. He chuckled at me, finally turning his face to look at me. Did I mention he still had his sunglasses on?! "damn you and those things" I rolled my eyes playfully, gently sliding them off his face, seeing his gorgeous blue eyes staring back at me. A small smirk dressing his face. I bit my lip as I stared back at him. My heart fluttering wildly. I didn't need to say another word, and I leant down, pressing my lips against his, his arms snaked around my waist, pulling me onto his body.

I pulled away from his mouth with a gentle bite of his plump bottom lip and began attacking his neck once again. A low growl erupted from within him, making me smile against his skin. I hadn't missed the feeling of the long hard, thick length that was pressing against my core as I sat upon him either.

Bang bang bang we paused and looked to the door, "What?!" Kimi yelled, but tugged on my hand, wordless telling me to continue. "it's me" the voice answered, Seb. I rolled my eyes. "we're going down to the club now" he called through the door. Sophia with him too then. "ok" Kimi's answer short as usual as I began to slide his team shirt up over his stomach. "are you planning on coming tonight?!" Seb called. "Ooof!" Kimi grunted loudly as I collapsed in a heap onto Kimi's stomach, giggling like a child. "Kimi?!" Seb asked through the door, apparently hearing Kimi's discomfort. "yes, I, wanted too..." he answered. I looked up at him with playful eyes, grinning at him and his choice of words. "right. Okay. Shall we meet you there?" he asked as Kimi started to grow a little impatient. "yes okay" he replied, his eyes still fixed on me. There were no more words spoken to the voice at the door, and Kimi and I just held our eye contact. "the moment is gone for you yes?" he finally spoke. I bit my lip and crinkled my nose. "sorry Kim" I answered, "fucking Vettel" he sighed in annoyance. I pecked a kiss to his cheek and headed for the shower. I knew his mood was dampened now, but I knew Kimi, he'd still be ready for action, he always was. So tonight would be interesting, I'd not teased him in this way for so long...

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