Versace On The Floor Part I

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"oh, that's better" I sighed as I sat down on a vacant chair. "Feet killing you too huh?" Pepper laughed beside me. I nodded, grinning at her. "I wondered why you weren't up dancing" I replied, being that the evening reception was already underway. "well, the feet and kind of the fact I'm getting a little tired of Cameron trying to make moves on anyone she can" She scoffed. I shook my head, "what about that guy she's apparently soo keen on?" I frowned. Pep shrugged, "I give up trying to understand her..." she sighed, "did you know that he's like a wanna be driver?" I looked back at her with even more of a frown "what?!" I cried, "yeah, she mentioned to me that he's a-

As she spoke my head was spinning with frantic thoughts trying to piece it all together. "Fuck it's Mick" I gasped. "no, no, no, this can't happen!" I rambled. "what?" Pepper asked cluelessly. "Mick! Cam can't do this, it's Mick"

"Bella, you keep saying it, but it still doesn't make me understand it" She laughed, I shook my head and glanced across the floor to see Cameron now dancing it up with Callum. "The guy, Mick- if he's a driver, he's got to be Mick Schumacher." I explained. "as in..?" Pepper raised her brows. I nodded, "he can't get mixed up with her" I said shaking my head. "I know she's our friend, but we can't let it happen. Mick's such a sweetie" I added, "he doesn't deserve that" I said, nodding out to the dancefloor. Pepper looked over and audibly gasped. Bless her she was so much more innocent that the rest of us. 

"Well, I guess with her claws into Callum, that keeps him off your back and Kimi's" She said- and she wasn't wrong. "suppose that's a plus" I snorted. "he really does hate Callum doesn't he" Pepper grinned. I let out a small huff, "and then some" I smirked. "Can't say I blame him. The guy doesn't know when to leave it alone" she said. "it started out as playful banter. Nothing more than a little flirting. I knew that he was more serious about it than I was, and he knew nothing would ever come of it." I said, as we still watched the pair on the floor. "I thought he'd ease up on it when things between me and Kimi started getting a little more serious but nope. I think he just enjoys pissing Kimi off" I smirked. "Don't get me wrong, he's still been a friend, but he needs to find other interests. Especially at the minute. Kimi was not happy earlier" I sighed. 

"Oh my god yeah, I saw him looking like he was about to go all Rambo on someone" she said pulling a face. I nodded. "how is he now?" she asked me, "you can see for yourself..." I smiled, spotting him from over to our right. He was currently walking over to us, with some dark haired handsome young guy. "oh wow, who is that?" Pepper leaned in to ask me. "I have no idea..." I replied, looking between the man in question and my boyfriend. 

"Bella..." Kimi moved over to us, looking down at me with a smile. "Pepper," he nodded at her, "this is Tomas" He introduced the handsome brunette. "hi, nice to meet you" I smiled up at him, he leaned down to kiss my cheeks before moving to do the same to Pepper. "and Tomas, this is my Arabella" he said, "and this is Pepper" 

"Good evening Arabella" he smiled at me with such a smooth accent, "oh please call me Bella" I smiled back at him. He nodded courteously before turning to Pepper, "Hello, beautiful Pepper." he smiled at her, and her face flushed as bright as her red hair. I beamed a smile at her, knowing she was just going to become a flustered mess any second. Nothing else had to be said, as Tomas moved to take a seat on the other side of my friend, drawing her attention away from me and to himself. Dude was smooth. 

"how are you?" the voice to my right distracted me, then seeing Kimi crouch down in front of me. He cradled a stout glass, half full of vodka. His tie was long gone, top two buttons unfastened and his shirt sleeves rolled up, exposing his forearms and those tattoos. "I'm very good" I answered him, not controlling the way I felt on looking at him. He smirked at me and swiped his tongue across his bottom lip. "how are you?" I asked, his eyes seem to be sparkling right now, but then they usually did after he'd stared drinking- even more than usual. "I am good." he shrugged, "better now I have you to myself." he smiled, seeing me blush. "so that's why you brought him over here?" I asked, nodding to Tomas, who was in deep conversation with Pepper right now. He chuckled but shook his head, "he has been looking at her like a love sick puppy all day." He snorted, making me laugh. "he only now has the courage to speak to her" he added, making me pull a sad face, "how cute" I said, "you wouldn't think that with how smooth he was." I added, but Kimi smiled, "I taught him every thing that he knows" he said, making me laugh "total cassanova aren't you" I rolled my eyes playfully. He chuckled and dusted his nails on his shirt, making me scoff, "It worked on you didn't it" he stated arrogantly. "only just" I teased him, making him laugh. "But I still got you" he said, "you are my woman. That is all that counts" he said, before throwing the final remnants of his glass, down his throat, before reaching out for my hand. "come. We dance now" he declared, pushing the glass up onto a nearby table as he stood up with my hand in his. I mean, who was I to argue with him?


So baby let's just turn down the lights, and close the door

Ooh I love that dress but you won't need it anymore

No you won't need it no more, let's just kiss 'til we're naked, baby

Versace on the floor... 

I couldn't help but blush at the words that Bruno Mars was singing out through the speakers. Kimi was smirking down at me as his hands slipped over my hips. "you requested this didn't you" I said with a giggle. He was already looking at me with a smirk but the wink he gave me confirmed it. I felt myself blush harder and I looked down to my feet as we moved in our own little spot on the dance floor. "how could I resist? I told you long ago, Sebastian can buy you that Versace dress, as many as he wants, but I will be the one to take if off of you" he told me, thinking back to the day I told him Soph and Seb had gotten me the bridesmaid dress. His hands smoothed over my hips and around to my bum. "My beautiful womans" He said softly, making me giggle at his use of English. He smiled softly at me and leaned a tiny bit closer to capture my lips with his own. 

My fingers found the base of his hairline and ran up into it's softness as I lost myself in his kiss. His grip got a little firmer on my behind and he pressed himself up against me. "I want to get you back into the hotel room." He purred back at me, his words making my blush heavier. I bit my lip holding back the wide smile I was about to give him and he chuckled, "I think you will forever be bashful with me" he said, making me glance down a little. "I think I might just be" I giggled shyly, looking back to his blue eyes and he chucked more. "you give me butterflies like nothing else Kimi..." I admitted to him, albeit quite nervously. I wasn't used to opening up like this, it was a completely new thing to me. And I still find it hard sometimes. The expression on his face was a proud one, I knew I was massaging his ego, but maybe for once he deserved it, especially with all the marriage stuff being thrown around lately. It wasn't fair on him. "it doesn't matter what anyone says, or whoever tries to come between us" I started, "I adore you Kimi. Nothing could ever change that" I sighed up at him. 

For the first time- I think ever- I saw tears fill up his eyes. We kept our gaze locked onto each other, slowly moving about the floor to the music. I reached my thumb round and brushed it gently against his cheek. That man would never realise how much I loved him. "Bella..." he sighed, desperately trying to hold back his tears as he pulled me closer to him once more and pressed the most passionate kiss against my lips. I think he felt the same way... 

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