5: Good morning!~♡

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"Waking up" won't give justice to what you did right now. You barely got to sleep after what happened. You still feel his luscious lips. They're softer than you've ever imagined. It was just a kiss. Well, two. But yeah. It's unbelievable.

You lazily got up and went to the bathroom when you saw Yoongi is not on the bed. Maybe he left already. Early practice. You turned on the faucet and stared at your sleepy face on the mirror. Your eyes started to widen when you saw another reflection on the mirror.

Yoongi. Is. Behind. You. In. The. Shower. Naked. Well, of course you need to be naked to take a bath. But. Holy Holly. He. Is. Wow. His skin looks so soft.

You immediately looked down when he saw you.

"I...uhhh...I didn't know you're..."

You closed your eyes tightly asking your heart to beat a bit slower. You'll experience a cardiac arrest at this rate! He turned off the shower. You're frozen in front of the sink. The water is running and you hear his footsteps. He's getting nearer.

He nudged your arm. "Yah. Don't sleep here. Go back to bed if you're still sleepy."

You opened your eyes and looked at him. He's...

Brushing his teeth. A towel is wrapped around his lower body. You looked at the mirror and saw him watching your reflection. You grabbed your toothbrush. Gosh. Why are your hands shaking?! STOB IT!

You put back your toothbrush and went out of the bathroom. You grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. You don't know if Yoongi heard you or not but if he did, he doesn't care because he didn't check what's happening.

You heard the bathroom door open so you immediately sat on the bed as if nothing happened. You awkwardly grinned at him before realizing how you probably look right now. He walked to you and grabbed your hand.

"Come with me." He said giving you a smile.
"I'm gonna brush your teeth for you. What the hell is wrong with your hands?" He said.

You realized your hands are still shaking like crazy. You let him bring you to the bathroom. You watched him put toothpaste on your toothbrush.

"Actually, I can do it on my own. I'm not paralyzed. I can brush my teeth. You don't need t-"

He stopped you from talking by putting the toothbrush in your mouth and started brushing your teeth. You stiffened when you felt his other hand on the back of your head. He's so close again.

"Open your mouth."

You obeyed him and tried to look away as he continued brushing your teeth. How did you even end up like this?! Soon, he finished and handed you a cup of water. You gargled the water. He's smirking when you looked at him.

"We've been living together for weeks and you're still awkward around me?" He said as he wiped your lips with his thumb.
"Or is it because of last night?" He remembers that?!
"W-what last night?!"
"Nothing. I'll leave after dressing up. Don't worry. I'll eat breakfast before practicing." He pinched your cheek and headed out of the bathroom.

HOW DARE HE MAKE YOUR HEART SKIP A BEAT?! HE NEEDS TO STOP. SOMEBODY STOP THAT GUY. Your heart is too weak for this. You probably died for around 100 times just this morning. Rest in peace.

"Just call me if you need anything." He said as you went back to the bedroom.

He's dressed already. Well, that was quick. You miss seeing him naked already. Wait. WHAT?! No. No, Y/N. Stop that. He noticed your silence and looked at you. He stared at you for a while before leaving the room. You followed him to the living room, still speechless. He opened the door and looked at you again.

"If you want to know, yes, I am fully aware of what happened last night." He said and then left.

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