11: Danger

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I published this in their 4th anniversary. That's why I have a gift for you.  I'm blessing you with my selca at the end of this chapter!~


You twisted. You turned.  No matter how you lied on the bed, you just can't sleep. Your back hurts so much. You let out a sigh of frustration. This woke Yoongi up. He sat up. Through the blue glow of the nightlight, you see his worried face.

"You okay?" He asked, sleepiness evident in his voice.
"Ne. My back just hurts."
"Sit up."
"Why?" You asked him.
"Just do it."

You sat up hesitantly. He sat on the territory marker pillows (why do you call it that way anyway?) to get closer and pull you so your back faces him. You felt his hands holding the hem of your shirt and you stiffened.

"Mind if I..." There's hesitation in his tone.
"Uhhh... Lift your shirt up."
"For what?"
"I'll massage your back."

You stayed quiet for a moment. You didn't move and he didn't too. You hear his breath. He's calm unlike you. You're holding your breath. You tried to relax and took off your shirt. Just trust him. He'll just massage your back. He's just trying to help.

You felt his cold hands on your back and you stiffened again. It took a while for you to get used to the movement of his hands. You finally relaxed and the pain you feel started to fade slowly. He's quite good at massaging. You covered your mouth when a moan suddenly escaped your lips. He stopped.

"I'll continue."

You replied with a nod and his hands started moving on your back again. You bit your lip to make sure you don't moan again. You don't feel the coldness of his hands anymore. His hands are actually warm against your back now. You smiled thinking of how gentle his touch is. He's so good. You were caught off guard as another moan escaped your lips.

Yoongi swiftly moved back to his side of the bed and lied down. You feel so embarrassed. You wore your shirt again and lied down again too.

"I-it's ok."
"Thanks for the..."
"It's nothing."

You looked around the room because you still can't sleep although the pain is almost gone. Your ears are still red from the embarrassment. You quickly covered your mouth after gasping when you noticed the bulge on Yoongi's shorts.

He looked at you in confusion and saw you staring at it. He quickly turned letting his back face you. You turned too, hand still covering your mouth.

"This... uhhh... I... let's sleep." He said shyly.
"Yeah. Let's do that." You managed to reply.


That's me!~ HAHA

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That's me!~ HAHA. Ang sarap nung pizza. Don't hate me please LOL Happy anniversary!~ More anniversaries to come!~

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