35: 두근두근

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"You didn't mix it well! Is the cabbage ready? No! No! Not like that! Thick but not too thick! Wait! Wait! No! Be careful! Those radishes are of best quality! Very expensive!" Yoonsuk kept talking as you make kimchi.
"Three dollars?" You asked him to stop him from talking and talking.
"Aish. Nevermind. Hand me those gloves."
"I'm going to mix it all now."
"You haven't washed the cabbage!"
"I'm going to wash it so just hand those gloves to me!"
He did so and started talking again. "Make sure to press it down! We need to ferment it for at least 3 days. Kimchi fermented for less than 3 days is not good enough."
"Oppa, I know what to do. Ok?" You said as you washed the cabbage.
"Pffft. I'm just guiding you."
"Thanks but I don't need it."
"You do need to go to the doctor though."
You stopped and looked at him. "Shit."
You ran as fast as you can. "Should I come with you?" Yoonsuk asked you from the kitchen.
"Ani. Just put that in the container for me."

You moved as fast as you can and managed to reach the clinic just before lunch break. Dr. Yoo stared at you in shock when you opened the door. She'll head to New York after lunch break so it's just right.

"Am I late?"
"Well, if you're the first appointment in the morning which is actually almost always you, then yes, you're late." She said.
"I'm so sorry. I forgot."
"Aish. No problem."

After the checkup, she stared at you blankly. You stared back at her waiting for her to say anything about your pregnancy and Holly.

"Are you trying to kill your baby?" She asked.
"W-what? Why would-"
"Did you run again?"
You gulped remembering you did just about an hour ago.
She sighed. "I told you about your baby's situation. You can lose her anytime! Were you even listening when I told you that?!"

You don't know what to answer so you just sat there quietly. She looks frustrated.

"I have never handled a pregnancy where the baby died! I don't want yours to be my first! I can't take care of you if you can't take care of yourself!"
"I'm going to New York. Should I cancel my flight?"
"I can't leave you alone if you can't take care of yourself and your baby. I might as well live with you when she is born to make sure she's healthy."
"Ani. I can take care of her."
"Then do it! Aish. I don't think I should be mad at you but I am." She leaned down. "Y/N, please. I want to see your baby not just through ultrasound. Every baby I encounter is important to me. For me, they are my children too."
"Here. Do everything written there until I return. Let's have another checkup when I return. Just call me if anything bad happens." She said handing you a bundle of papers.
"Ne. Kamsahamnida."

You stood up to leave. You walked to the door slowly as you tried to think everything over. Why are you so careless?!

"And Y/N-ah," Jieun called you as you stepped out.
"I think you should know. The heart rate is low. 100 is not normal for a 27-week-old. Please try to stay as healthy as possible."

The Best Mistake: Unacceptable Reasons (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now