34: Full of You

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You woke up feeling Yoongi's lips on your back. His breath is warm against your skin. His arm is wrapped around you. You tried to turn around but he tightened his hug.

"Where do you think you're going?" He mumbled.
"Yoongi, you still have work."
"You think I can dance after last night?" He said.
"Pabo. Come on. Oppa must be waiting for us downstairs."
"Let him wait."
"Aish! Yoongi, w-"
"Holly-ah, why is your mom so noisy?" He said making you sigh.
"You're crazy."
"Yeah. Thanks."

With all your strength left, you managed to remove his arm around you and get up. He looks pissed. You ignored his glare and went to the bathroom. After your morning routine, you went to the kitchen leaving Yoongi on the bed. Yoonsuk was almost done cooking already.

"What's for breakfast?" You asked him as you sat at the breakfast nook.
"I think you don't need breakfast after last night. My brother is good at producing, right?"
"Ugh! Oppa! Stop it!"
"I didn't disturb you last night because the dinner in the cottage is so romantic. I thought it ends there so I went to bed. Then, I heard you both. Aish! My room is two halls away yet I hear all your-"
"STOP! Ok? I know. It's...good."
He laughed and you glared at him. "I knew my ears were not lying to me. Of course. I saw that steamy kiss on the staircase too. You were doing this and that, grabbing this and that, holding this and that."
"Don't be shy. It's alright. That's normal."
"Good morning." Yoongi said as he entered the kitchen.
"Yoongi-ya!~ how was your dinner last night?"
Yoongi kissed your forehead. "The dessert was the best."

You blushed knowing you didn't eat any dessert because you were already too busy making out. Yoonsuk poked you with a spoon. You sticked you tongue out at him.

"Oh well. What does Holly want for breakfast?" Yoonsuk asked you.

You all heard Holly (the dog) barking as he ran to the kitchen. You all laughed. Yoongi knelt down to pick up Holly.

"Aigoo. It's not you, baby. It's our baby." He said petting his dog.
"You just called him baby actually."
"How about a morning dog walk?" Yoongi asked you.

Yoongi's phone started ringing as you hopped off the stool. He put Holly down and answered the call. He went to the living room and Holly followed him. You sat again and watched Yoonsuk set the table.

"See? My suggestion worked. You told him you miss him so he went home. You even enjoyed a mouthful. You should follow me from now on. I'm an expert." Yoonsuk said.
"It's ok. It's ok. You don't have to thank me."

"Y/N-ah," You heard Yoongi call you.
He walked to you and kissed your forehead again. "Hyung is looking for me now. I have to go. Goodbye."
"No breakfast?"
"I'm full anyway. Eat well." He said smiling before rushing to the bedroom.

"I think you should give back. I mean...he surprised you. Why not surprise him too?"
"Hmmm...how about making this?" He said placing a bowl of kimchi on your hands.
"Kimchi Jjigae."
"But, that's the last serving of Kimchi we have."
"That's why you're going to make Kimchi too! BYUNGSHIN!"

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