6: Jungkook Daddy

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"Do you think these are enough? They are seven and I don't know how much they eat." You asked Yujin.
Yujin laughed at you. "The table is not enough to hold everything you cooked and you're still asking me of these are enough?"
"What?! They are men who practice all day long. They must be hungry."
"Maybe I should look for a cart or something. We can't carry all these."

The doorbell suddenly rang. You went to open the door. Even before you could say anything, you got wrapped with muscular arms.

"I missed you, noona!~"
"Why are you here?"
"Why does that sound like you want me to leave?"
"No. No. I just thought you would be practicing with Yoongi." He said as he went to the kitchen.
"Ah! The old men are talking."
"Old men?"

You followed him to the kitchen and knew why he had gone silent. He saw Yujin and he's actually blushing again. He likes her. You patted his back and helped Yujin prepared everything.

"Have you had lunch?" You asked him.
"Not yet."
"Good. Can you help us bring these to the company?"
"What? WOAH! YOU COOKED ALL THESE?!" He said finally noticing all the food in front of him.
"Ne. For you all."
"Woah! Jin hyung would be in heaven."

Soon enough, the three of you were walking to the company building with boxes of food in hand. Actually, the two of them only. For Jungkook, being pregnant made you incapable of carrying anything heavier than a plate filled with food.

Jungkook led you upstairs and to the room they use to practice. As he opened the door, you prepared yourself to see handsome men. You've got used to Jungkook's now. Jin's and Yoongi's too. But not with Namjoon although you've seen him before. If you see Taehyung, Hobi and Jimin today, what would life be? You might as well forget how to breathe.

"Hyung, I got tons of food." Jungkook said as he entered the room.
"Why so English?" You heard Hoseok as you entered the room.

You can't help but smile. Yujin gasped as she followed you into the room. The room was filled with Oh my gosh. Yujin is just a step away from hyperventilating. Only Hoseok and Taehyung are in the room. They exchanged looks before looking at you again.

"This is Y/N noona and...uhhh...that's Yujin noona."

Taehyung looked at Hoseok as he happily walked to you. He bowed in greetings and smiled at you.

"Hi. I'm your hope,"
"Jhope." You finished the sentence for him.
He stared at you with wide open eyes. "Woah! You're an ARMY?!"
"Jungkook, what did you feed her?! Look at her tummy!" Taehyung asked Jungkook.
Jungkook laughed at him. "She's pregnant!"
"YOU'RE GOING TO BE A FATHER?!" Hoseok asked.
"JUNGKOOK DADDY?!" Taehyung added.

You all went silent until Yujin started laughing like there's no tomorrow.

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