30: Dinner

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Let's get serious now. No more talking. Suit yourselves. I've already told you about tissues and all. Don't kill me though. I can't leave my dog with my evil sister. My dog is my not-so-talkative bestfriend. I have a human bestfriend too. I can't leave her alone after all she has done for me. Both of them.

그리고, thank you so much for taking time to read my book. There are a lot of good fan fictions about BTS out there filled with sweet and smutty love which I know you like. I don't know why you chose to continue reading this story this far. Whatever your reason is, 고마워요!


"HOLLY!~" You heard Yoongi shouting happily.

You smiled. He's home early. Does he know his father is coming? His father is cooking dinner right now with Yoonsuk. You offered to help but they won't let you. They gave you a bowl of soup to eat while they finish cooking the rest of the meal now.

"Aigoo. Aigoo. I miss you too, Holly!~" You heard him again.
"Yoongi-ya, come here." Yoonsuk said.
"Appa?!" He said as he entered the kitchen with Holly behind him.
"Yes, it's me. Go sit down. We'll be done in a minute and then we can eat together."
"You left eomma alone?"
"She went to her friend in Jeju and ordered me to bring Holly here."
Yoongi laughed as he took a seat beside you at the breakfast nook. "Ordered? Yes. That's very much like you."
"Do you know this? Your dad cooked it. It's good." You told him.
"Jinjja?" He said glancing at his dad.
"Jeongmal! Here. Taste it." You said holding out a spoonful of the soup.
"Have you been eating that?"
"Ne. It's REALLY good!"
"Ok! Let me taste it."

He suddenly pulled you and kissed you. You were too shocked at first to notice that the soup got spilt on his pants. You immediately pushed him away when you noticed and grabbed a tissue to wipe his pants. You were confused why his brother and father were laughing until you realized you were wiping his groin.

"I should go change clothes." Yoongi said.
"Accompany me." He said grabbing your hand.
"Why?! You can change clothes on your own!" You told him making the others laugh again.
"This is your fault. You should pay for damaging my pants...and my balls."
You tried not to laugh. "You're the one who suddenly pulled me! You kissed me in front of your father! Don't you think that's awkward?!"
"It's your fault. You're irresistable."

He led you to the bedroom and made you sit on the bed. He started unbuckling his belt in front of you.

"Uhhh...Yoongi, the closet is there." You told him as he pulled his pants down.
"I know. I also know that soup very well. It's appa's special soup that he used to cook for eomma when they got married. It's aphrodisiac. They wanted a child so badly you know." He said as he took off his shirt.
"Mwo?! Yah! Yoongi! I said the closet is there! You know that! Stop stripping in front of me!"
"Why? You don't like it?"
"A-ani. But...dinner is waiting for us."
"We can be each other's dinner." He gently laid you on the bed as he crawled on top of you.
"Yoongi, this..."

You held your breath as he leaned down. He's going to kiss you again. He's going to kiss you again! HE'S FUCKING GOING TO KISS YOU AGAIN! (Why am I so excited? This has happened a few times already)

"Dinner is ready."

And, he didn't. Thanks to his awesome brother who suddenly opened the door. The door lock exists for a reason! Yoongi, why not lock the door before crawling on tip of Y/N?! He smirked at you before getting up and going to the closet.

"We'll be there in a minute." Yoongi said.
Yoonsuk grinned at you and mouthed "I guess he's really good at producing."
"GET OUT!" You said throwing a pillow at him.

He immediately went back to the kitchen laughing. Yoongi got out of the closet dressed up again. He helped you got up and you both went to the dining room. His father and Yoonsuk were already seated waiting for both of you.

"Let's eat?"

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