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You woke up when you heard the doorbell ring. Yoongi is no longer on the bed. It has been a week since you started sleeping without Yoongi. He always stays up late. It's either they're still practicing or he's working at his mini studio in the living room. You gave up making him go to bed. It's his job anyway and he's old enough to know what he should do.

You always wake up without Yoongi now. You know he still sleeps. Taehyung slept you a picture of him sleeping on the floor of their practice room once. You also wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and you see him sleeping beside you.

You got up and opened the door. You know it's Yujin. She went straight to the kitchen and started making breakfast. You followed her and sat at the dining table.

"Hey, future mom of Yoongi's child. Get up and get ready. Aren't you supposed to go to the clinic?"
"For what?" You asked her sleepily.
"For your checkup? Isn't today the day you'll know if Holly is a boy or a girl?"

You sat up straight and looked at her. How did you forget about that?! And, Yoongi probably forgot about it too! You immediately went to the bedroom and started to get ready. In less than half an hour, you were already off to the clinic. You left Yujin while she's still eating. You didn't eat of course. You shouldn't. You arrived in the clinic just as Dr. Yoo parked her car.

"You're early." She said as you both entered her clinic.
"I brought pizza but my checkup doesn't have to be free." You said giving her the pizza you bought on the way.
"OMO! PIZZAAAAAAAA!~ Yah! You don't have to. Aish. Come inside."

You followed her to the examination area and watched her prepare the ultrasound machine. You sat on the bed and waited. She stopped and looked at you. She suddenly laughed at you.

"You look really excited."
"Well, I am excited." You told her.
"Where is Mr. Min anyway?" She asked.
You sighed before answering. "Working."
"Liar." You both looked at the doorway. "I'm right here."
Seeing Yoongi made you smile. "I thought you're working."
"I just went to the dorm to tell Jin hyung I won't attend the practice. When I came back, Yujin told me you already left. You didn't even wait for me."
"I didn't know."
"Before you continue chitchat, go change, Y/N. There's a patient gown in the bathroom." Dr. Yoo said.

You went to the bathroom and undressed before wearing the patient gown. You hear them talking but you can't hear them clearly. When you came out, they just stood there as if they weren't not talking. You sat back on the bed and stared at Yoongi. He's just looking at the machine.

Dr. Yoo told you to lie down so you did. She proceeded to applying the gel without talking. Why are they so quiet?! She placed the transducer onto your belly and moved it. You know what you have to do since this is your third time but it feels strange since they're not talking at all. Soon, she wiped off the gel and busied herself with the machine.

"You can wait for me at my desk." Jieun simply said.

You went to the bathroom to dress up. Yoongi was already sitting on the chair when you went to the consultation area. You sat opposite him. He immediately looked at you and smiled. So, nothing is wrong.

The Best Mistake: Unacceptable Reasons (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now