13: A Mystery

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"That's all. You can go now. Don't forget what I said, ok?"
"Ne. Thank you."
"Also, why do you never bring pizza? Don't you want my services to be free?" She asked you making you laugh.
"I'll bring pizza next time."
"And bring your husband too. We'll know if it's a he or a she." She said.
"Oh. Ok. I will."
"Take care. I can't believe your husband made you go here alone after what happened. How irresponsible."
"I told him I will go alone. Don't blame him." You said smiling at her.
"Ok. Ok. Don't forget me my advice."
"What advice?"
"If your tummy hurts again, I advise you and your husband ma-"

You bid goodbye even before she could finish what she's saying and left Dr. Yoo's clinic. You decided to visit Sumin in the store first. Yujin said she works full-time now. Unfortunately, Sumin wasn't there. A new saleslady and a new cashier were on duty. Maybe it's Sumin's day-off today.

You went to Yujin's apartment instead but she's not there too. You walked to the bus stop to go back home. You saw the convenience store again where you stood before losing consciousness that night. Suddenly, your head started throbbing and you heard men laughing. You winced and looked around. No man is around you. Only that old lady carrying a basket of groceries is near enough for you to hear if she's even laughing but she isn't. Are you hallucinating?!

"Hey." You almost jumped when somebody held your shoulder.

You quickly looked behind you and saw Jimin.

"You look scared. Are you ok?!" He asked you.
"Y-yes." You tried to push the thought away. "Why are you here?"
"I talked to my brother. We ate breakfast together. I'm heading back to the company. You?"
"Uhhh. I'm... going home."
"You're alone?"
"Yes." You answered.
"I'll come with you first. I can't let you go home alone after what happened yesterday. You scared me! Why did you faint?!"
"I'm alright now. Don't worry."
"But I'm still coming with you." He said grinning.
"I don't think I can stop you from doing so." You said.

Jimin is really a gentleman. Sometimes you forget that he's also that guy who ripped his shirt on stage. His smile is so cute. Mochi. Really.

"So this is where hyung lives now?" He asked you as you opened the door.
"After what you said yesterday and from what I know about Yoongi, I figured out you're his girlfriend. You're now living together, right?"
"Uhhh. No. He sleeps here but I'm not his girlfriend."
"Then, for whom is that ring he bought?"

You stared at him not knowing what to say. He bought a ring? Oh. Probably for Mina. But you tried not to think about it. Remember. No stress until you give birth. No more thinking about Mina until that day.

"I'm sorry." Jimin said when he realized why you're not talking.
"No. It's ok." You said. "Want some cake?"

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