18: 섹시하게

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Hana deo - One more


You woke up with your right side feeling numb so you turned around to sleep on your left side. You were probably sleeping on your right side all throughout the night that's why it feels numb. You're heavier now with Holly still growing in your tummy.

Suddenly, you felt warm air touch your forehead. You slowly opened your eyes. You blinked a few times. The sun is not so kind to you even with the white curtain covering the window and you still feel the warm air every now and then. It took you a moment to see where that warm air is coming from. It's Yoongi, naked.You opened your eyes widely in shock until you remembered what happened last night. Right. You smiled to yourself. He's actually good. Really good.

"The pervert is awake." He mumbled catching your attention.
"Mwo? Oh! The pervert is awake. You're awake. Yes."
He opened one eye and smirked. "How can I be the pervert when you were the one moaning loudly?"
"YAH! Don't say that! Holly can hear you!"

He replied with a smile and pulled you closer. He kissed your forehead and looked at you. His messy hair makes him look hotter. How can someone be so perfect?

"Hana deo." He whispered.
"Of what?"
"I'll acknowledge that I'm the pervert."

You stared at him thinking what he means. One more of what? A pervert... You gasped when you realized he's asking for another round. You hit his arm making him groan in pain.

"WAE?!" He said laughing at you now.
"Aish! This byuntae!"
"Yah! I'm not the only one! You told me to go faster last night! My hips hurt so much now!"
"I never told you that!"
"Woah! Now, you're denying it? Ugh! This pig, jinjja."
"What did you call me?!"
He sat up and leaned down to whisper into your ear. "My sexy little angel."

He smiled at you before getting up to go to the bathroom. You sat up too and looked around the room. Your (actually Jungkook's) shirt is near the bathroom door. His shirt is at the foot of the bookshelf. His pants are on the floor with his belt. Your undergarments are at the end of the bed.  The blanket is back on the bed though. It's covering your naked self now.

You remembered that morning you found yourself naked with a naked man sitting beside your bed. You woke up this morning with the same man, still naked. But, the feeling is very different. Your body aches all over but you don't mind. You got up to fix the bed although you barely have enough strength to stay standing for at least a minute. You felt two hands on your shoulders and a soft kiss between your shoulder blades. A pair of arms wrapped around you after.

"Yah. Go take a bath. You need to go to work." You told him.
"Does it still hurt?" He asked 
You shook your head. "No. Thanks."
"Good. I... really enjoyed last night."
"Even with Holly blocking your movements most of the time?"
"Well, I actually have to thank Holly. Without him, I wouldn't have you in my arms right now."
You giggled at his cheesiness. "Are you really Suga?!"
"I'm Min Yoongi."

You stayed silent. You slowly noticed his very hard (and very big too) friend pressed against your back. Morning wood. You removed his arms around you and went to the bathroom.

"Go. You need to work."
"I'll go if you promise me one thing."
"You're coming with me tonight."
"To where?"
"Stop asking and just promise me you're coming with."
"Fine. I promise."

He didn't reply. You decided to wash your face and start brushing your teeth. You had just put your toothbrush in your mouth when the door opened and he entered the bathroom. He went straight to the shower and started taking a bath.

You continued brushing your teeth while glancing at him. You touched that body last night! You were kissing his lips last night! Is this real?! Were you just dreaming last night? I didn't realize you stopped brushing your teeth and were just staring at him until he turned off the shower and looked at you.

"You declined my offer. Drool over me now." He said laughing at you as he turned the shower on again.
"What?! I would never drool over you!"
"Hmm? Jinjja? That's unfair." He said as you finished brushing your teeth.
"What unfair?" You said wiping your lips.
"I drool over you. You know, you're not really a pig. You're extremely sexy."
You said laughing at him. "You're a pervert. Stop fooling me."
"Yah. I'm just being honest. I had a hard time trying to tell you how gorgeous you are. Don't say I'm just fooling you after I managed to tell you that."

You turned to look at him. He's washing his hair. You looked down and stared at the floor. Is this a prank? Well, last night isn't a prank. But...

You looked at him again before leaving the bathroom. Yoongi is a very blunt guy. If he finds it hard to say something, he's probably too shy to say it.

Does he really find you sexy? You giggled when you remembered his bulge that night he massaged your back. Maybe he does. You tried to focus on making breakfast for him but you kept on remembering what happened last night.

He did call you cute and beautiful before. Maybe he's serious. Maybe because he kept on calling you a pig that's why you find it hard to believe that he said you're "extremely sexy." Oh come on, Y/N. Focus. You still have a breakfast to make after making love.


Please answer the questions below. I really need your answers.

1. What name would you give Holly (boy/girl, whatever you like)?
2. Do you want Holly to be a boy or a girl?
3. Do you want Holly to be born alive or dead? LOL jk
4. Are you enjoying the story so far (away~)?
5. How much do you love Min Yoongi?

Please leave your suggestions and insights in the comment section. Thank you. I LOVE YOU.

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