44: Feels Like Cheating

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"Where is she, Holly? Y/N?"

You opened your eyes. This is Jin, not Yoongi. You pushed him away realizing what you've done. You kissed Jin thinking he's Yoongi. You glanced at the doorway to the living room. Yoongi is not there but you hear his footsteps.

"Yoongi is here. Leave now." You whispered.
"Ne. Saranghae." He said kissing you again quickly before leaving through the back door.

When you looked at the doorway again, you saw Yoongi staring at you. Did he see Jin?! Why is he not speaking?! Your heart is beating a drum. He looked down and walked to you. Is he mad? Did he see the kiss?!

"Soon, I'll be able to say what you want me to say." He said letting you breathe freely.
He took your hands "It'll be over soon."

He just smiled and hugged you. You feel his heart beating. He sighed. He didn't see anything. He let you go and smiled again. You forced yourself to smile back but you still feel Jin's lips.

"I have to tell you something." He said holding your hands.
"What is it?"
"Let's go somewhere else first."
"Oh. Ok."
He said walking to the sink. "Let me wash my hands first. Go get your coat. It's cold outside."

Holly was rolling over on the floor when you walked past him. Was he warning you earlier that Yoongi is coming? Or was he calling Yoongi to tell him what's happening? Or maybe he's a dog that's why he barked. You're starting to become paranoid.

Yoongi doesn't know anything but you kissed his roommate. He shouldn't know. No one should. It was just a mistake. It felt like you were kissing Yoongi. You feel so guilty.

You stayed quietly as Yoongi drove to the gallery. He stopped right in front of it. Yoonsuk was there with his staff. They were already closing the gallery.

"Oh! My favorite brother and my favorite sister-in-law!" Yoonsuk said when he saw you.
"It's not like you have another brother and another sister-in-law. We're gonna eat somewhere anyway."
"Oh! Date night! Go ahead! Can I bring Sam to the house?" Yoonsuk said excitedly.
"No. Feed Holly and sleep early."
"Yah! I'm still older than you! Why are you commanding me?!"
"Well, I own the house so I say who goes there. No one goes in and out without me knowing and approving, ok?"
Yoonsuk sighed. "Fine. Another lonely night for me."
"I thought you already broke up with Sam though."
Yoonsuk shrugged. "Second chances are great."
"We're going now. Good night."
"Goodbye, Y/N-ah!~"

You faked a smile. After bidding goodbye, Yoongi started driving again. You still feel guilty. Holly is probably disappointed at you now.

He brought you to a small place that sells steamed buns. You want to be a bubble and pop, disappear just like that. It's crazy. All this time, you're so jealous about Mina. But you let Jin kiss you. You kissed him back. It's confusing. What is this now?!

"Yah." Yoongi said holding your hand to catch your attention.
"You haven't touched your food. I even asked for ketchup from the owner."
You tried to look at him but you can't. "I'm not that hungry. What do you want to tell me anyway?"
"Ah. That. Well, our teaser will be released tonight. We'll release a new Japanese album. After that, we have a Japan tour."
"I'd probably still be in Japan when you give birth. I asked our manager if we could move the tour or maybe the boys can do it without me but he sa-"
You squeezed his hand. "It's alright. It's fine. We'll be fine. I'll call you if it's time. Just focus on your tour."
"It's my way of thanking you for taking care of us."

And apologizing for kissing your former roommate.


Please hold on tight

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Please hold on tight. The crazy roller coaster ride had started. Please don't cry too much during the ride. I told you to prepare tissue. And, I know how much you want to kill me. Please be a little more patient. Let me finish this story first.

The Best Mistake: Unacceptable Reasons (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now