27: Trust

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"Your husband and I already talked. I'm going to Daegu to work there. Don't worry. I'll visit you sometimes. Oh. I forgot to ask you yesterday about Holly. So, do we have a Suga jr. or a Y/N jr? I'm sorry I can't bid goodbye personally." You read Yujin's text message.

You replied to her and went downstairs. Yoonsuk is in the cottage painting. You decided to bring him some snacks. He never moved his eyes away from the canvas but he noticed you.

"Ready to be my muse?" He asked you.
He chuckled. "Just kidding. Join me here."

You grabbed a stool and sat beside him. He's painting the skyline. Up close, he doesn't really look like Yoongi. His hands look soft. They make you miss Yoongi's hands' veins and rough edges.

"Yoongi loves you." He suddenly said.
"Sorry. What?"
"My brother loves you. So much. He barely gets time to call me so when he mentions something when he talk, I know it's important to him like when he finally finished his mixtape or when they got their first win."
You stayed silent to let him continue.
"He mentioned you a few months ago. He told me not to tell our parents because he was still trying to figure out things. He's very responsible you know."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"I just want you to trust him. Trust him even if you don't understand anything he does. Trust him even if you feel like you can't. When he was younger, he didn't get much trust. Almost no one believed in his dreams, in him. This time, I want to make sure you're here to believe and trust him, even if he can't trust himself too. Just trust him."

You nodded and he smiled. He continued painting. You left the snacks you brought for him and went back inside.


It rained in the afternoon. Yoonsuk had started cooking dinner when you found him in the kitchen. It feels good to have someone who knows Yoongi well with you.

"Do you think he'll be home for dinner?" He asked you as you went to help him out.
"No hope. He'll stay there until late at night."
"Don't you feel lonely without him beside you on the bed?"
"No?! How?!"
You looked at him and smiled. "Because I know he'll be there again."

He smiled and patted your head. His smile looks different from Yoongi's. No gummy smile. You miss him more. You just saw him this morning but why do you miss him so much?

You ate dinner with Yoonsuk and watched tv with him after. You went to the bedroom when you felt sleepy and lied down on the bed.

You stared at Yoongi's side of the bed. You remember seeing him there. He was sleeping peacefully while holding your hand close to his heart. He'll be there again.

He'll be there again.

The Best Mistake: Unacceptable Reasons (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now