36: By the River

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"Holly! Come here! You need a shower, you filthy bitch!" You heard Yoonsuk shouting.
"Hyung, he's a male."

You sat at the edge of the pool and dipped your legs into the water. It's quiet as usual. The sky is pitch black. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the cold breeze.

"Why are you here?" You opened your eyes again and saw Yoongi already sitting beside you.
"How was your day?"

It's your fault Holly is suffering. If Yoongi had a rough day, you shouldn't tell him about what Dr. Yoo said. You smiled at him instead.

"What can I do to make you feel better?" You asked him.
"This." He said taking off his oversized hoodie before dipping his legs into the water too.
"Yah! Yoongi! We just did it last night!"
"Aish! You're really a pervert! Wear this. It's really cold. You should go inside." He said giving you the hoodie
"Oh. Thanks."

He stayed silent. It's warmer now that he's here and you're wearing his hoodie. Ripples spread throughout the surface of the water as Yoongi slowly moved his legs.

"Will you..."
"Will you come with me?" He said looking at you.
"I want show you something."

You sat silently as he drove to somewhere you don't know. There are people on the street as expected from Korea's nightlife but as you got farther and farther, the people you see got lesser and lesser. Soon, you were driving on a narrow road.

Yoongi parked the car by the river. You both walked to the river quietly and sat on a plank of wood that sits on the gravelly land with what seems to be remains of a demolished house yards away from the river itself.

"I found this place a few years ago. That's Banghwa bridge. Among all the bridges that cross Han river, it's the longest." He said.

You stayed quiet. Everything is bothering you. Holly's heart beat. Mina. Your undefined relationship with Yoongi.

"I come here when I want to be alone."
"Why did you bring me here then?"
"Because you're a part of me. Half of me is you."
You closed your eyes and breathed in sharply. The tears are coming. "I want you to be clear. It's confusing me."
"What? Yah. Are you crying?! Why?!"
"I'm going to ask you. Answer me honestly."
"What is it?"
You opened your eyes to look at his lying eyes. "Who is Mina?"


To everyone who wants to kill me, I'll give you my location in the next update. Please bring sushi. I want to eat sushi again before I die. Thanks.

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