22: Tumble

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I'm curious about how you ended up sleeping with Yoongi in the first place. Why don't you remember anything?! You didn't even wake up during the time you were making Holly?! What kind of sorcery... If there's anyone who knows the author, please ask her for me. I can't talk to her.


"Are we going home?" You asked Yoongi as he drove.
"Why did you ask?"
"Aren't we supposed to turn left? You just turned right."
"Yes. We're not yet going home. We're going on a date."
"A date?!"
"Are you deaf?"
"Are you serious?!" You asked him.
"What? I'm not allowed to be romantic?"

You didn't reply. This is starting to get more serious each day. You entered a parking lot and he parked the car.

"Where are we?" You asked him as you got off the car.
"The World Cup Park. This is Pyeongchang Park or Peace Park."
"Oh. Ok."

He grabbed your hand and led you to the lake. You sat quietly on a bench beside each other. It's still early. Some families and couples are around. There's a little boy skating. Two kids are making paper boats. A couple is sitting on another bench. A group of teenagers are taking pictures. It looks like a normal day. You almost forgot you're sitting beside a worldwide cutie.

"I've never gone to a date. I don't know what to...uhhh...what should we do? Should we uhhh...nevermind."
"Should we what?" You asked.
He looked away and cleared his throat. "I said nevermind."
"What is it?" You said grabbing his hand.
"It's nothing."
You sighed in disappointment. "It's not so fun to be with you."
He turned to you. "When I tell you the truth, you say I'm not jjang jjang man boong boong. When I don't want to speak, you say I'm not fun to be with. What should I do then?!" He complained.
"I just want you to relax. If you want to do something, just do it. If I object, you should stop. If I don't, it means it's fine. Now, what were you asking earlier?"
"Can I kiss you?"

You didn't expect the question so you ended up speechless. His cheeks slowly turned light pink. He's staring back at you.

You've kissed each other, did it, did a lot of other things and yet you still get surprised every now and then. Is it because it's just unbelievable? You've spent half of your pregnancy trying to get used to his presence. Sometimes it feels normal. Sometimes you still can't believe it. Is he even real? Sometimes you glance at him just to make sure he's still there. Spending the past four and a half months with him scare you. What if it's not real? Then, why does it hurt?

You touched his cheek and leaned in to kiss him. Just before your lips touch his, you saw men laughing. They're in a dark place laughing at you. You suddenly felt scared. You pushed Yoongi away and looked down.

"Why? Does it hurt again?!" He asked worriedly.
"No. No. I just... it's just headache." You said trying to make sure he doesn't know about these.
"Are you sure? Maybe we should head home now. You need rest."

You let him lead you back to the car. He drove home quietly taking glances at you from time to time to make sure you're ok.

You don't want him to know about these men you heard laughing before. You don't want him to know about these man you saw laughing. You don't want him to worry especially because you don't know if it's something you should be worried about.


Wattpad is a bitch. Yeah. Bye bye, drafts!~

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