42: I don't know what to call this. I've been using random words as titles

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"And lastly, the egg. Wait. Should I put seven eggs because they're seven? Or just one? What do you think, Holly?" You asked Holly (the doooooooooooooooooooooog  Arf arf).

He just looked back at you. Of course he won't answer you. He's not a talking dog. The only answer you can get from him is a bark. You decided to put seven eggs. You washed your hands while staring at your creation.

"It looks so delicious, Holly. I hope they'll like it. Time to get ready now."

You went to the bedroom and changed clothes. You packed the kimchi jjigae and other dishes you cooked, and left food for Holly before heading to the company building.

You went straight to the practice room thinking you would find them there. However, only Jimin was there. He was dancing. You decided to watch him. He moves smoothly. It looks so beautiful. He suddenly turned around and grinned at you.

"How did you know I'm here?"
"Mirror." He simply replied as he walked to you.
"I brought lunch for you all." You told him showing the bag of packed lunch.
"Oh! I'll go call them."
"I'm coming with you, oppa."
"Sure. Let me help you with that." He said taking the bag from you.

He led the way. The hallways are dimly lit and it's quiet too. Aren't they supposed to be practicing? Why was he practicing alone? You looked at him and saw sweat trickling down his face and neck. You grabbed his arm to stop him. He did stop and looked at you in confusion.

"Wae?" He asked you.

You searched your bag for anything you can use. You found a white towel. You took it and wiped his sweat off. When you finished, you noticed his cheeks turned pink. Is he blushing?

"Y/N-ah!" You looked and saw Taehyung running to you, Jin and Namjoon walking after him.
"Oh, oppa."
"You're still pregnant?"
You glanced at Jimin. He's also shocked. "What?! Of course I am."
"Awww. When will Holly come out?! I want to play with her! Jungkook is always with Yujin. Pffft. I should have just stolen Yujin from him so we could still play."
"Actually, you wouldn't be able to play with him either if you do that." Namjoon told him. "We don't fight over a girl. Remember that. Taehyung, they're happy so be happy for them. Good afternoon, Y/N."
"Is that food?" Jin asked Jimin.
"Ne. Y/N brought it for us."
"Woah! Let's eat it now!"
"I'll call Hobi hyung!" Taehyung offered.
"Ani. Let's just go to him. Gaja." Namjoon said leading the way.

You went with them upstairs. Namjoon led all of you to a wide room just like their practice room. Hoseok is there dancing. They use separate practice rooms?! Maybe they're practicing two different songs. Jimin was dancing to a different song earlier.

Taehyung ran to the music player and stopped the music catching Hobi's attention. He turned and you realized he's blindfolded. He was dancing like that with a blindfold?! HOW?!


He pulled you and made you sit on a chair. The hyungs just shook their heads and sat beside you on the floor. Taehyung played the music again and Jimin stood next to Hobi. They looked at each other and smiled before wearing blindfolds. Then, the dance started.

Your jaw dropped. HOW CAN THEY NOT BUMP INTO EACH OTHER?! Such accuracy. Jimin even jumped over Hobi and only their shirts brushed against each other. That also gave you a sneak peek at Jimin's cute tummy. It's good to know that he's eating well.

Suddenly, Taehyung joined the dance, also blindfolded! Your heart skipped a beat when Jimin backflipped over Taehyung and landed right in front of Hobi. Taehyung walked and stopped right behind Jimin. For about a minute, they just stayed like that so you thought the dance is over but they suddenly started dancing so fast you almost got lost in watching them.They stopped the dance kneeling down in a semicircle.

You couldn't help but get up and clap in amusement. "Woah! How did you do that?!"
"Practice!" Taehyung answered proudly.
You took the blindfolds and checked them. "These are cotton and they're black. How can you see through these?!"
"We don't. We dance through listening to the beat and through sensing." Jimin answered you.
"Where is Yoongi hyung though? He's supposed to be dancing with us too. Is he even practicing?" Hoseok asked.
"He went out." Namjoon answered him.
"He has a meeting with Mina." Jin said staring at you.
"Mina?! Who is that?!"
"Twice Mina?!"
"AOA Mina?!"
"Girl's Day Minah?!"
"Pretty Mina." Jin said.

So, Jin knows her too?! Does he know anything about Yoongi and her?!



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