26: Pancakes and Waffles

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This is my apology for killing you LOL


"Yoongi?" You called out.

You walked down the stairs thinking Yoongi already left but you smelled something. You went to the kitchen and found him sitting at the breakfast nook while Yoonsuk was cooking.

"Oppa, you're here already." You said making them both look.
"Y/N-ah! Sit down. I'm cooking breakfast for us all. Since I'll be living here for free, I decided to be the house's chef." Yoonsuk told you.
You sat beside Yoongi. "Don't you have work?"
Yoongi chuckled. "I'm not good at drawing but he is."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm an artist. I paint, draw and sell my works. That's my job."
"Oh! I see. So, you work at home?" You asked him.
"Yes. I used to work as a government official but I'm not really meant for that. I found myself painting one night and I realized...maybe that's what I want. And, it is actually." He explained.
"He's really good. You should see his artworks." Yoongi said before drinking his coffee.
"You can come to my gallery when I'm done preparing it."
"You have a gallery?"
"Yes. I rented a place two streets away. This place actually has a few art galleries and people come to buy art pieces so it won't be hard for me to find potential buyers."
"I have an offer for you." He said as he placed the place of waffles in front of you.
"What is it?"
"Be my muse."

You just stared at him not knowing what to say. He's smiling. He really looks like Yoongi but a different Yoongi. He really has that CEO vibe. Yoongi cleared his throat and put his mug on the sink.

"Time to eat. Let's go. Let's go. Food is not as good as it is when it gets cold. I also have work to do. Come on. Eat." Yoongi said giving you both plates.
Yoonsuk laughed at him. "Come on. It's just for art."
"For art my ass. Mind your job and keep your hands off her."
"I'm not even touching her!"
"Shut up and eat." Yoongi said making his brother laugh more.
"He warned me when you were still sleeping. He said he already has too many rivals and he doesn't want his brother to be his rival." Yoonsuk whispered to you.
"YAH! I SAID EAT!" Yoongi said trying a pancake at Yoonsuk.
He just laughed. "But really, I'm serious. I want to paint you."
"Eat up, old man!" Yoongi told him.
"Say that to Jin and he'll kill you."

You all eat while they teased each other. They look really close. After all, his brother was the only one who supported him ever since the start. It seems like Holly is happy to meet her uncle too. She's moving.

Eomma, I wanna come out now!~


WARNING!Please prepare tissues and knives. You might want to kill the author due to heartbreaking chapters. Seek for parental guidance in using a knife if you are below 12 years of age.Remember: Killing is murder. They are synonyms.Thank you.

Don't forget to brush your teeth after eating and watch Bon Voyage 2.

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