48: 권 미나

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For everyone who can't read Hangeul, the title is Kwon Mina

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For everyone who can't read Hangeul, the title is Kwon Mina. Yes. Go cry.


"How about this Saturday? The gallery will only be open until noon so we can go in the afternoon."
"Any day would do." You said as you walked back home.
"What should I buy for my niece? Should I buy heels?" Yoonsuk asked you.
You laughed at him and hit him playfully. "My daughter is not even born yet! How can she wear heels immediately after her birth?! Your gift would have to wait for years."
"Then I'll just wear it in the meantime."
"You're crazy."
"Oh. Who's that?" He asked pointing at the gate.

You looked and saw a lady standing in front of the gate. You held your breath as you walked closer to confirm your guess.

Yes, it's her. Mina. Now that you see her better than before, you can see how beautiful she is. Her black dress is hugging her body well. Look at those curves. A perfect S-line figure. No wonder Yoongi likes her. Why is she here?! Doesn't she know Yoongi is in Japan?! She suddenly turned and saw you.

"You're Y/N, right?" She asked you. Even her voice sounds sexy.
"Ne. Who are you?"
"Kwon Mina." She said smiling at you.
"Yeppeuda." Yoonsuk whispered.
It's really her. "Uhhh. How may we help you?"
"We need to talk."
"Are you deaf? Do I have to repeat what I said?"

You glanced at Yoonsuk. He's still speechless because of her beauty. You sighed before looking back at her.

"Where should we talk?"

She smirked. She led you to a coffeeshop nearby. Yoonsuk wanted to come and she said he can't. Looking at her now, you realize she can actually be a model or an actress. Her body proportions are jaw-dropping. Even with minimal makeup, she's so gorgeous.

"Yoongi told me you already know me." She finally spoke.
"Actually, I don't."
"Oh. Really? Well, he told me to stay away from you so I don't know if I should tell you who I am."
"Why would he say that?"
She smiled and leaned close to you. "Because we have a secret no one should know."
"A secret?"
"Actually, I was really surprised when he contacted me. He said it has to be me. To be honest, I shouldn't be here meeting you. He said we should just tell you when he comes back from Japan but I can't wait anymore. If he really want us to continue what we're doing, I think you should know what we are doing. And, I'm pretty much sure he wants to continue it so badly."

She leaned back and stared at you. What the hell. She smirked.

"Do you want me to tell you everything we do in details? It's very, very fun." She whispered smirking.

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