12: 좋아해/요

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"Ok. Ok. I'll just come with her." You heard Yoongi say.

You opened your eyes and saw him standing by the window, hand on waist and the other holding his phone. He noticed you're awake when you sat up.

"Ok. Bye." He said ending the call.
"Who was that?"
"Yujin. She said she's sick because she ate too much yesterday. She can't accompany you. I'll call hyung and tell him I can't attend the practice today."
"No! Don't do that!" You said as he dialled the number.
"I can go alone. I told you you should focus on your work. I can take care of myself."
"Y/N, I can't let y-"
"I need some alone time too."

He stared at you thinking. You suddenly remembered what happened last night. Your cheeks turned pink. He doesn't seem to remember it though or maybe he just doesn't care.

"Fine. But call me every 30 minutes."
"What?!" You said laughing at him.
"I'm serious."
You stared at him in disbelief. "Fine. I will."

He went to the bathroom and you heard the water splash on the bathroom floor. He's preparing for work. You got up to prepare too. He needs some breakfast.

You saw the cakes in the fridge when you opened. You suddenly felt pity for him. He had to buy all those food for you last night. You took them out. You tried to eat them to show that you appreciate his effort to suffice your cravings but they just really taste bad for you. You pouted and continued to eat them.

"Yah! What are you doing?!" Yoongi asked you as he walked into the kitchen, hair still wet. He got out of the shower fast. And, he's already dressed. Did he even take a shower?! That's so fast!
"Eating?" You said.
"I know. I mean, why are you eating those? I thought they taste like bitter orange."
"I don't want to waste your effort and money." You said.
"Aish. Don't eat it if you don't like it." He said taking one of the cakes in front of you.
"ANI! I LIKE YOU!" You said pulling it back.

He froze. You stared at him trying to know what happened that he just froze there. Suddenly, you realized what you just said.

"It. I like it. I said 'it', right?" You said laughing nervously.
"...don't forget to call me." He said before leaving you to go back to the bedroom.

You sank into the chair. You laid the cake on the table and slapped yourself a few times. You remembered how he looked so shocked. You groaned in frustration.

"Bad, bad mouth." You said as you slapped your lips gently.
"I... uhhh... I'm leaving. Bye." Yoongi said peeking at the kitchen quickly.
"Ugh! Finally!" You sighed when you thought he had left already.
"I'm still here." You heard him chuckle from the living room.

Too much embarrassment since last night. What's wrong, Y/N? Is your heart ok?


To be fair, I'll tell you my age. The number of the chapter with the xxx scene is my age. HAHA. Bye. Don't tell my parents. They think I'm innocent.

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