24: Hyung

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"Y/N-ah!~" You looked outside and saw Jin smiling at you.

You looked up. If it's Yoongi, he wouldn't ring the doorbell, right? And, why is Jin here? You stepped away and looked down when you realized how embarrassing you are. YOU JUST HUGGED A STRANGER!

"You must be Y/N." The man you just hugged asked you.
"Ne? Ne."
"I'm Yoongi's-"

You looked behind Jin and saw Yoongi coming. The man turned and a smile immediately adorned Yoongi's stunning bare face. Yoongi walked quickly to hug the man. They talked a bit in Korean and you just stood there watching them. You looked at Jin and caught him staring at you.

"Ah. Hyung, this is Y/N." Yoongi said.
"I thought so. Jin told me a lot about her."
"Y/N, this is my brother."
"Ah! Annyeonghaseyo!" You bowed to greet him.
"Stop being so formal. After all, you're already part of the family. Just call me oppa, ok?" Yoongi's brother said.

Yoongi let them into the house. You watched them quietly. He looks like Yoongi but he looks different. His brother just looks like a young CEO of a big company. His attire says the same thing too. His smile is breathtaking. They're talking now and it looks like two Yoongis talking with one Jin. His brother's arms are like Yoongi's. His hands are different though. They're long and slender. His thighs are thicker than Yoongi's too.

"Y/N?" Yoongi called you.
"My brother is asking you about Holly."
"Ah! She's fine. My doctor said she's very healthy." You said making his brother and Jin laugh.
"Aish. You're really cute, Y/N-ah!" Jin said.
You heard Yoongi clear his throat. "Not our daughter, Y/N. He's asking if my dog can live in our new house." He whispered.
"OH! Mianhae! Of course!"
His brother smiled. "How about me? Can I live with you?"
Yoongi looked at you waiting for your answer. "Of course."
"Then, I'll moving with you then."
"You brought your things?" Yoongi asked his brother.
"Eomma, appa said I need to move out. That's why I'm asking if I can live with you. They kicked us out of the house?"
"Because apparently your parents want me to find a wife too."

And, it went on and on. It was decided his brother will occupy one of the three other bedrooms in the new house. Yoongi's dog will come soon too. The very big house won't be too big at all then. You won't be alone if Yujin stops working as your nanny with his brother living in the house too.

The doorbell rang again as Yoongi was introducing Yujin to his brother. You went to open the door to open it. The five boys were outside. They all smiled at you. They look a bit different so you stared at them. You looked at Yoongi and Jin when you realized it. They all dyed their hair black! Why didn't you realize that?! Yoongi's hair was brown yesterday!

"Yujin-ah!" Taehyung went to Yujin as soon as he saw her.
"Heard you're moving." Namjoon said as they all entered the house.
"Why are you staring like that?" Jimin asked you.
"Your hair."
"Ah! Hyung hasn't told you. We're going to release another album. That's why...black hair." Hobi said.
You looked at Yoongi. He's too busy talking to everybody. "When?"
"We have 3 months left to prepare. Then, we'll have an Japanese tour."

That means Yoongi will be busy on your 9th month. Oh well. You have Yujin to accompany you and his brother will start living with you tomorrow so you don't have to worry about giving birth alone.

You joined the conversation again. They all helped you pack your things and soon you were on your way to Yeonhui. Yoongi is in the other car with his brother while you went with the boys and Yujin. Having 6 boys talking and laughing made you almost forget about the box you saw. What is Yoongi planning to do with those photos?


I'm too lazy to write "Yoongi's brother" over and over again so let's settle with calling him Yoonsuk starting from now, ok? That's not his real name and I have no plans of telling you his real name.

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