10: Cravings

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You immediately opened the cake boxes as soon as you stepped in the house. They smell so good. You couldn't choose which to eat first so you asked Yoongi.

"Yah! Which do you think tastes best?"
"You're not even going to ask me first if I want some too?" He asked you as he let himself drop on the couch.
"Pffft. The one in the middle."
You quickly went to the kitchen to get a fork. "Yah! Don't run!"
"I'm not running!"

You excitedly took a bite of the cake he chose as he watched you silently. You grimaced and immediately spit the cake out as soon as it touched your tongue. Yoongi sat up straight. He looks shocked. Who wouldn't be?

"It's bitter! Too bitter!" You complained.
"What?! But that's Red Velvet!"
"It tastes like orange!"
"Orange isn't bitter!" He took the fork from you and ate a piece of the cake. He sighed. "Y/N, it's sweet, not bitter."
"No! It's bitter!"
"Jinjja? Aish. Try the other cakes."
"I don't want to! I want something else!"

Soon, you're walking down the street looking for steamed buns. The lights are so beautiful. You walked excitedly. You watched young couples walking together, smiling at each other. There are men walking alone too. You saw a few kids running after each other too while their mom tried to catch up with them.

You suddenly noticed Yoongi is no longer beside you so you looked behind you. He's right there, right behind you.

"I thought you weren't with me anymore." You said sighing in relief.
He stared at you. "You're very beautiful, Y/N."

You're starting to get lost in his eyes so you looked away and spotted a food cart. You got more excited and immediately ran to it. He watched you run and shook his head in disbelief. Eventually, he followed you.

"Yoongi, I want-"
"Dugae juseyo." He told the vendor even before you finish talking.

You just watched him as he paid for it. He didn't even wait for you to say what you want. He led you to a park after. You happily ate your food while his is waiting for him to eat. You looked at him when you felt he's staring at you.

"Do you want mine too?"
"If you're not going to eat it." You said grinning.
He smiled before giving you his. "Do you even know what you're eating?"
"That's soondae."
"I don't care." You said before going back to eating.
"What about your steamed buns?"
"We'll still buy. Where can we find my lovely steamed buns?"
"Let's go find them." You got up and started to drag him.
"You're not even done eating yet!"
"When I said let's go, that means we should really go. Understand?"

He groaned but still followed you. After walking for minutes, you found a Pojangmacha that sells steamed buns. You headed back home after buying a dozen. However, even before you could open the door, you felt the call of nature.

"Ppalli! Ppalli!" You said repeatedly hitting his back.
"Wae?! Calm down! You already have your steamed buns so calm down!" He said finally opening the door.
"I NEED TO PEE!" You said running to the bathroom.

You found him lying on the couch after you relieved yourself. He looked at you. He looks really tired. You feel guilty for making him go with you. The steamed buns are waiting for you on the coffee table. You smiled when you remembered something. You went to the kitchen and rummaged the fridge. You went back to the living room with what you needed. Yoongi's eyes started to open wider as you poured ketchup on the steamed buns.

"It's delicious! Try it!" You said handing him one.
He looked at it disgustedly. "No, thanks. I'm fine."

You smiled knowing all the steamed buns are officially yours to eat now!~ He busied himself with his phone as you ate. Soon, he got too bored and just watched you eat the last three buns.

"Are you sure you're not a monster?" He asked you.
"Holly is happy now!" You said grinning.
He smiled but it slowly disappeared. "Holly-ah, I'm sorry. I promise I'll do better this time."
You reached out for his hand. "Holly said it's alright. Don't worry." He smiled again.
He was quiet for a while. "You're too energetic for someone who fainted just a few hours ago."
"Is that a compliment?"
"You're cute." He said out of nowhere.

He stood and walked to the bedroom. You're glad he left because you know you're blushing. What's that?! Calling you beautiful and cute in one night?!

"Because you have ketchup on your cheek." He said from the bedroom.

The Best Mistake: Unacceptable Reasons (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now