31: Drastic Mood Swings

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You woke up in the morning. Before you open your eyes, you have already prepared yourself to not seeing Yoongi on the bed. It has been like that for weeks anyway. Sometimes he doesn't even go home.

Just as expected, he wasn't there when you opened your eyes. You didn't even see him last night. Maybe he slept in their dorm again or in his studio. Actually, you haven't seen him for more than 5 minutes since his father went back to Daegu.

Sometimes you have to fight the urge to tell him not to go back to the practice room and just stay with you. You don't want to be selfish. You just miss him so much. Why do you miss him more now that you finally met him?! You thought knowing he doesn't even know about your existence is already painful enough. It hurts more to know that he's with you now but is not at all.

You want to sleep again but you shouldn't. You accomplished one goal when you managed to get up from the inviting and soft bed. Next goal: go to the bathroom. You don't know why but you started crying as you dragged yourself to the bathroom.

You heard the water splashing on the bathroom tiles and it made you laugh. You patted your tummy gently.

"Holly-ah, you're making me look like an idiot here. Stop making me cry and laugh for no reason." You told Holly.
"Ok, eomma." You turned around and saw Yoongi in the shower.
"Oh. You're here."
"Oh! I'm here! So surprising!" He said laughing at your sleepiness and lack of energy.
"Why are you laughing at me?! Is it because I look like a pig?! I'm ugly?! I'm ugly, right?! I look like an ugly pig!" You started to cry horribly.
"Yah! Yah! Uljima! Aish! Why are you crying so suddenly?!" He immediately went to you.
"Because you're naked! Why are you naked?! Look at your body! Those muscles! But Jungkook has better muscles. And Namjoon has good body too. Have you seen his arms. Woah!~" You said poking his biceps.
"I can't believe you. Aish. This woman."
"Wae?! Are you mad at me?! Because I'm a bad girl?! All I want is to sleep! Why are you doing this to me?! WAE?!"
He sighed. "Let's get you back to the bed then, ok?"
"Sleep with me."
"Are you on drugs?" He asked you.

You giggled and giggled until you started laughing crazily. You pinched his cheek making him groan in pain before going back to the bedroom. Yoongi grabbed a towel to wrap around him before following you.

"Aish. You're driving me crazy."
"Don't worry. I'm normal. What did your pregnancy books say?" You said letting yourself fall on the bed.
"Mood swings are normal but this is extraordinary, Y/N-ah. And, can you please be careful with your movements? You're gonna hurt yourself." He said helping you lie down comfortably.
"I'm already hurting myself by loving you."

He stopped and looked into your eyes. You want to cry. You don't know if it's still because of your pregnancy or if it's because of him. You don't know what happened next because you fell asleep with you were about to just blink.

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