29: 비밀

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"So, what do you think?" He asked you.
"How can you both be so talented?!"
You looked at the paintings again. "Yoongi is good at composing, rapping and producing. You're good at painting. You're both talented. Maybe it's in your genes."
"Well, I guess, thanks to his talent in producing, your child will have the same talented genes." He said.
You looked at him disgustedly. "Yah! You're talking about a different kind of producing."
"But tell me. Is he really talented in producing?"
"Oh!~ Look at you. Your cheeks are redder than red. Looks like someone is thinking of how good my brother is at producing."
"W-what? I'm not!"
"Really? But I never said it's you."
"Awww. Holly, your mom is mad at your uncle!" He said laughing.

You both left the gallery filled with people and walked back to the house. As you get nearer and nearer, you noticed a man standing in front of the gate. Who could he be?

"Oh. Why is he here?" Yoonsuk said before running to the man.

You walked after him. They stopped talking when you reached them. The man looked at you from head to toes. He looks unimpressed. He doesn't really look like someone who smiles a lot or at all. Yoonsuk immediately went beside you.

"Appa, this is Y/N."
The man suddenly smiled. "Oh! My daughter-in-law?! How are you?"
You just stared at him. Is he really... "Y/N-ah, are you ok? Yah."
"Thank you." You forced yourself to speak and ended up embarrassing yourself.

Good thing it made them laugh. Or, is it really a good thing? You laughed with them nervous. Suddenly, you heard a dog barking. You looked down and saw a brown dog in a cage.

"I think we should get inside first." Yoonsuk suggested.

You went inside. Yoonsuk left you in the living room with their father as he prepared tea for him. You sat there quietly watching Yoongi's father play with Holly (the dog).

"So, is my son treating you well?" He suddenly asked you.
He started laughing again. "Why are you talking like a soldier? Relax. I'm just his father."
"I'm glad he found a good wife. I've been really worried about him. I thought he'd never get married."
"But, we're not married." You told him.
"I know. Just wait and it'll happen."
"Appa, your tea is here." Yoonsuk said as he placed the tray on the coffee table.
"Bad timing, oppa." You whispered to him.
He chuckled. "You shouldn't know that yet anyway. Just thank me."
"It looks like Holly likes the house too. Especially the carpet." Yoonsuk said pointing at the poop on the carpet. "Aish. What a troublemaker."


LOL just kidding. No drama yet. I love you all. HAHA!

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This human here is Mina LOL can't find an HD one.

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