47: 結婚しよう

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"The person you're cal-"

Another ignored phone call. He still won't answer your call.

Suga wrote that song?! He must be in love!

Oppa, please wait a longer! I'm still underage. We can't get married yet!

There's no age restriction for marriage in my country. Let's get married, Suga!

Awww. Suga wrote a love song for me. He can't wait for us to get married.

It's a proposal song y'all! Did Yoongi really write that song?!

I don't understand but I love you!

I'll try that nikuman and ketchup!

You read comments about a song Yoongi wrote from their newest album. Yujin poked your arm so you looked at her.

"It's like a proposal song and I'm sure it's for you."
"What do you mean?"
"The song talks about a push-pull relationship. It says even if their relationship is unpredictably crazy, he wants to marry the girl. AH! Right! The rap part even talked about how awkward their relationship is even when it's so intimate at some times. Aren't you like that? I mean,there's no one else Yoongi could have written that song for. The title actually says let's get married! He's proposing to you through that song!" She explained.
"How can you be so sure it's me?"
"Aish! Stop that! Are you crazy?! Aren't you his child's mother?! Who else would it be?! Oh! Wait! Yeobo is calling!"
"You do know Jungkook and I are dating now, right?"
"Ah! Right!"

You watched her as she happily talked to Jungkook on the phone. Why can't things work out between you, Jin and Yoongi like how things worked out for Taehyung, Yujin and Jungkook? It was a quick friendly confession followed a selfless rejection. Things turned out well for them.

You like nikuman with ketchup, a weird combination I didn't know I would like. But, I do. I like it as much as I like you.

You laughed as you remembered the translations. He's crazy. Did he really put that in the song. Why did their producer not change the lyrics?

You sighed. It has been days. What is he doing now? Everyone likes their new album. Does he talk to Jin? Is Jin alright? Is Yoongi mad at you? You tried calling him since they left but he won't answer your call.

"Y/N-ah," You looked at Yujin.
"Do you want to talk to Jungkook?"

She handed her phone to you. You hesitantly took it.

"Oppa, how are you?"
"We're doing great, noona. Our schedule is full and we seldom get rest but I love it. We get to see ARMY every now and then." You feel the excitement in his tone.
"That's good. Is...Yoongi ok?"
"He's in his room. He locked it so I don't know what he's doing right now. Sorry, noona."
"It's ok. It's not your fault. Is he eating well?"
"He eats after we eat. He acts normal around the fans but some fans notice him avoiding hyung. I really hope they would at least talk about it."
You sighed. "It's all my fault."
"Aish! Don't say that, noona. But, were you really making out with Jin hyung? Wait. Sorry. I shouldn't ask you that."
"It was just a kiss." You lied.
"I see. I didn't know Jin hyung likes you to that degree so I was really shocked."
"You were Jungshook, right?"
He laughed. "Ne! Aish. When will that joke get old?!"
"Take care and have fun. Oh! And, congratulations! Your album is #1 in almost all music charts in Japan!"
"It's all thanks to those songs the hyungs wrote. Oh! Yoongi hyung wrote track 2. Have you listened to it? He said it's about you."
"結婚しよう? Of course."
"Great! Do you kn- Oh. Wait....Aish. I have to go now. Manager-nim is calling us."
"Ok. Goodbye. Take care!"
"You too! Annyeong!~ Oh! Tell Yujin I love and miss her!"

The call ended. You gave the phone back to Yujin.

"He said he loves and misses you."
"Aish! I already know that. Oh. I need to go now. Daegu is waiting for me."
"Oh. Ok. Take care, eonni!"
"You too! Wait. Should I really go?! It's almost your due date."
"I don't feel like I'm about to give birth soon enough though."
"Hmmm. I'll just buy some snacks. I'll stay in your house until you give birth!"
"Ok. Do what you want."
"I'll be there." She said before leaving.

You looked around and saw Yoonsuk coming. You smiled at him.

"She's going back to Daegu?"
"Ani. She'll just buy some snacks."
"Oh. Ok. Want to go home now?"
You nodded. "Gaja."

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