32: Miss You

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"Ne. Kamsahamnida." Yoonsuk bowed after receiving another compliment from a client.
"It's nothing. Your works are gorgeous. It's my pleasure to embellish the walls of my enchanting house with your wonderful paintings."
"Oh. You speak English well."
"Of course. I am the very smart and rich wife of the country's beloved senator. What else do you expect?"

You sighed and turned your attention to the door. Even families are visiting Yoonsuk's gallery to see his paintings. It's nothing strange. He's really good at painting.

"Oh! Is that your wife?" The lady said as she went to you.
"Oh! How old is he?" She asked you looking at your tummy and ignoring Yoonsuk.
"She's seven months old now." You answered smiling.
"Oh! A girl?! Oh well, you're very lucky to have a very talented husband."
"I'm not her husband. My brother is." Yoonsuk told her.
"Ah! I see. I hope she grows well and be as talented as her uncle."
"I'm sure she will."
"Anyway, I have to go now. I still need to go to salon. Thank you for your creativity and talent. I'll definitely be back again." She said touching Yoonsuk's face.
He flinched and bowed. "Have a safe trip."

You tried your best to not laugh while the lady is still around. When she's finally away, you started laughing at Yoonsuk. He looked you like he's plotting a murder which made you laugh even more.

"Yah! Is she your type?!" You asked him.
"Wae? She looks kind." You said teasing him.
"Y/N-ah, women like that one clings to their husbands for money. She spends all their money on herself instead of donating. She even forces her kids to marry people from wealthy and influtential families to secure her status. Do I look like I'm interested in her?! Even if she buys my paintings, I still think she's wasting too much money on things she doesn't need at all."
You giggled a little and nodded as you patted his head. "I get it. I get it. I'm just kidding. I know you don't like her."
"Aish! This pregnant woman! Where is your husband anyway?!"
"Why are you asking that? You know the answer."
"Of course. I'm asking you to call him. Check on him. Ask him if he had eaten or anything."
"He already texted me. He said they ate with their manager."
"Aish! It's not like that! Express how much you miss him by texting him!"
"But, won't I disturb if I do that?" You asked him.
He chuckled. "Aish! For Yoongi, it's you before anything else. Don't you know that?"
"How would I?! That's not even true!"
"WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME?! Aish! Call him! Now! Tell him you miss him! Tell him to go home because you miss him! You need some time together too!"
"You think he would go home if I tell him to after I did this morning?! No. No. I was an idiot. I don't know why I did that. He's probably annoyed!"
"Ani! Just call him! Come on!"

He took your phone from the table and gave it to you before storming away. You sighed. What is he doing now? Is he thinking of you too? There's only one way to find out!

You didn't have to wait for so long after dialling. "Yeoboseyo."
"Yoongi, uhhh..."
"Did something happen? Why did you call? I'll go home now."
"Ani! Ani! I just..."

You looked at Yoonsuk. He nodded telling you to continue. You sighed. Maybe you got used to letting him work and to not seeing him. It's so hard to tell him to go home.

"Yah. What's wrong? You're making me worry."
"Nothing. I just...I miss you."

He didn't reply. You looked at Yoonsuk again. Maybe he doesn't know what to reply. Or maybe he just doesn't want to reply. Well, at least he hasn't hung up yet.

"I mean I miss you, appa! Holly wants to say she misses you!" You said.
"I miss you too, Holly."
You sighed.
"I miss you. I want to see you again."

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