49: Bitch

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People, I don't want to get violent here LOL please make sure you are calm before reading this chapter.


"Is it still called cheating even if you're not really in any relationship?" Mina asked you.
"Yoongi and I. We're...a thing. We meet secretly because he said it won't be good for you to know about us since you're pregnant. I tried to follow him but I can get jealous too you know. I'm his girlfriend but he sleeps with another girl. He said he loves me but he bought a house for another girl. He said I'm his only one but he stays with another girl. I'm jealous especially because I have to share him with someone like you. You're nothing but a bundle of problems while I'm a whole package of luck for him. I don't know why he even tries to please you. I already told him to just tell you to get an abortion."

You stared at her. You don't know what hurts more, if it's your tummy or your heart. You want to punch her, pull her hair off her scalp, spit on her, destroy her face and just kill her but you managed to control yourself.

You've stayed with him for so long. And, this? You looked away as you felt the hotness in your eyes.

"If you want to live with him, marry him, fuck him, go ahead. But, I'm keeping Holly."
"Good then. It's a deal, ok?" She said extending her hand to shake hands with you.

You leaned forward as if you would shake hands with her but you slapped her as hard as you can instead. She gasped and held her cheek with both hands.

"What was that for?!" She asked you as she checked her cheek on her hand mirror.
"For Holly. She's not supposed to be involved in this mess and your affair."

She looked at you again. The moment your eyes met you slapped her other cheek.

"And, that's for me. I wasted all my precious time with your boyfriend. You should have told me before I..."
She smirked. "You what? You like him now? You love him? Oh right. He said you're his fan. Did you seduce him so you can blackmail him with your child?"

You tried to slap her again but she was able to grab your wrist before you could even touch her face.

"Keep your hands off my precious face."
She laughed again. "Rohypnol." She said placing a stack of papers on the table.
"Calm down. Yoongi hired me as an investigator. He said, because of his status as an idol, he needs someone who can work quietly so the media won't find out about this case, your case."
"My case?"
"Yes. He wanted to know what happened that night when that happened to you." She said pointing at your belly.

You stared at her as you tried to analyze everything she's saying. She's not Yoongi's girlfriend then. So, they meet to talk about your case, what happened that night?

"He barely remembers everything. He said all he can remember is saving you from some men and asking you where you live. He wants to know who those men are."
"Why would he not remember what happened?"
"Well, he was drunk, too drunk. I know it's not a valid reason actually but I believe him. According to what I found out, he met with an old friend in Hongdae. He was too drunk to ride the right bus and he ended up roaming around. He saw you with those men in an alley. They were stripping you. He doesn't even remember how he managed to save you. I don't know how a drunken man beat three men."

You're staring at the table as she spoke. Why do you feel like you don't even what to hear more of what she's saying.

"After checking a video footage I managed to find, I learned that they took you from the street where your former workplace is on. I tried to look for witnesses but I can't find one except for the cashier in the convenience store near your former workplace. I got nothing important actually. All I found out is that you bought a drink that night from that store. The cashier said she remembers you because she always sees you waiting for the bus across the street. But I think that's not associated to the crime. They used rohypnol on you that's why you don't remember anything. I'm still finding out how they managed to make you take it but I'm sure it's rohypnol."

You browsed the papers she put on the table. You tried to read but you can't. You can't think right. What are all these?

"I need to know if you really remember nothing. If there is anything, tell me. It might help."
"Why are you telling me this?"
She smiled again. "Well, you deserve to know. And, Yoongi wanted to know everything as soon as possible because he wants to marry you."
You frowned in confusion. "What does this case have to do with marrying me?"
"He said he wants to get those men in jail first. He said he can't be happy as long as the men who almost assaulted you sexually are still free. He said he can't confess to you if he can't help you know the truth. He feels responsible for this."

You looked at her again. Her cheeks are red with marks of your palm.

"I'm sorry for making you angry earlier." She smiled at you. "I just felt like teasing you. I didn't know you would be that angry. Don't worry. I never slept with him. He's not my type."
"You stupid bitch."
"I guess I deserve that." She laughed before looking at you seriously. "He probably hasn't told you but, Y/N, he loves you. So much."
You smirked. "Thank you for telling me."

You got up and so did she. You pretended to bow. When she bowed too, you quickly grabbed the glass of water on the table and threw the water at her. She gasped and stared at you.

"And that's for driving me crazy before telling the truth, bitch."

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