7: The Truth

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You turned when you heard someone call your name. You smiled seeing that pretty face. He smiled back. For a while, you forgot the boys and Yujin are here too. You just remembered that song he sang to you. It's as beautiful as his existence.

"What brought you here?" He asked you.
"I brought lunch for you." You answered pointing at the boxes.
"FOR ME?!"
"For all of you."
"Woah! These are all food?! Taehyung-ah, get some chopsticks downstairs! I'm starving!"
"Why me?!" V protested.
"Because you stepped on my foot earlier."
"But it was an accident!"
Jin just looked at him.
"Hyung!~" Taehyung pouted cutely.
"Come on. I'll cook your favorite dish for dinner."

With this, Taehyung grinned and immediately ran to get the chopsticks. You caught Hoseok staring at you. Jungkook and Yujin had started placing the food on two tables in the room. Jin patted Hoseok's arm to catch his attention.

"Let's eat!" Jin said excitedly.

Soon, Taehyung arrived with the chopsticks and the feast started. They all ate hungrily. Yujin seems to be comfortable now since she's actually talking to Taehyung while eating. Hoseok is discussing something about their choreography with Jungkook while Jin is eating happily. It's EatJin live. You smiled seeing how happy he looks while eating. He suddenly stopped eating and looked at you.

"You haven't touched your food."
"I... Do you know where Yoongi is?" You asked him.
"Omo! We forgot to call them!" Jungkook said.
"You know Yoongi hyung?!" Hobi asked.
"I saw him in the Genius Lab." Taehyung said before stuffing his mouth with food.
"Thanks. I'll...go to him." You said getting up.

You left the room and walked through the hallway. You reached the end of the hallway and realized you don't know where the Genius Lab is. You sighed at your own stupidity.

You turned to go back and saw Namjoon. He entered a room. You quickly followed him but stopped in front of the door when you saw Yoongi inside the room. You hid beside the door and wished they won't close the door completely. Your wish was granted. You tried your best to eavesdrop. You don't know why you're even doing this.

"......but if you really think................actually, she needs to know...." You can't hear most of what Namjoon said.
"...........worry. She........not good...." Even Yoongi is almost whispering.
"I understand but........you said..........needs to....what if......."

You don't understand anything they're saying. It's like they're talking about a secret no one else should know. You moved a little closer to the door to hear better.

"I know. Mina is really important. That's why I make sure we get to talk when she needs to say something." Finally, you heard everything clearly.
"YAH!" A shout from the end of the hallway was heard.

You looked behind you. A man was already running to you. He dragged you as soon as he reached you and brought you to a nearby room while keeping your mouth covered with his hand. Everything happened so fast you didn't even get a chance to see if Namjoon or Yoongi heard anything. Of course they did but did they see you?

You feel the chest behind you. Whoever is holding you, he's breathing very heavily. You're panting too. You weren't prepared for that quick run. The hallway is quiet. Soon, you heard the door close. The man let go of you and you quickly stepped away. The room he brought you into is dark with the lights off so you can't see even his eyes.

"Nuguya?!" He asked you.

That voice. You know that voice. You reached for him and dragged him to the hallway as soon as you held him just like what he did to you earlier, only this time you're calm and you're not running.

"I'm right. It's you."

The Best Mistake: Unacceptable Reasons (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now