19: Home

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Hi. Hello. Annyeong. Ohayo. Hallo. Bonjour. No. I need to stop before I embarrass myself. I don't speak other languages other than English and Filipino (unless you want to count the Ilokano, Greek, Korean and German words and phrases I know).

I hope you're doing great. Kasi sa totoo lang, ako hindi. Penge namang pagkain. Kahit yun lang. Alam kong may mga Filipinong nagbabasa nito. Maawa kayo sakin. I promise to publish again as soon as possible. Ako'y naaano kay Yoongi! Para kasing ano! Nakakaloka!~


"I'm really sorry. I just don't want you to get sick too. I care about Holly too you know." You hear Yujin crying.
"I understand, eonni. Don't worry. Just rest, ok? Tell me when you get back here in Seoul."
"Yes. I will. Thank you so much, Y/N-ah!"
"It's nothing. Go rest now. Uljima"
"I'll call Yoongi oppa and tell him."
"You don't need to. I'll tell him. Go rest. Goodbye."

You feel lonely. You're alone in the house again. Yoongi is still working. Yujin is in her other friend's house in Busan.

You decided to clean the house. The clothes Yoongi bought for you and Holly are now in the spare room that you turned into a closet. Yoongi had set up a mini studio in the living room too. It does look like a house now. Months ago, it looked like a few rooms connected to each other with a few furniture. It really is your house now. But, can you call it home too?

Hours passed. You waited for Yoongi to come home since he said you're coming with him to...somewhere you don't know. You fell asleep on the couch.

You thought he would never come but a warm touch on your cheek woke you up in the middle of the night. It's him.

"Let me carry you to the bed."
"What? I thought we're going somewhere." You said as you sat up.
"You're sleepy. Let's just stay here."
"No. I'm alright. I'm not sleepy. It just took you forever to be back."
"Well, appa is working hard for his family." He said and you got up.
"I'll just get my coat. It's cold outside."

He waited for you in the car. You don't know where he's taking you in the middle of the night. Your phone says it's almost 11 in the evening. He drove quietly.

"Hey. Aren't you tired though? We don't have to go if-"
He held your hand with his free hand. "You're my energy source. I never get tired when I'm with you."
"Do you even hear yourself?! Yoongi, you're so cheesy!"
"Shut up and just enjoy it while I'm still being nice!" He said making you giggle.
"Where are we going anyway?"
"I don't know. Maybe here."

He stopped in front of a white house. It's so big! And, the landscaping is so perfect. It looks modern but you see a shed behind it that looks like a traditional Korean house. Even the other houses in the same street look good. It left you speechless.

"Which friend are we visiting? He or she is really rich! Look at this house! Woah! It's so beautiful. I would love to live here! Do you think your friend is still awake though? The lights are out."
He chuckled. "I'm sure he's still awake. Let's go."

You got off the car and led you to the house. A man welcomed you into the house. Not that you're judging him but he doesn't look like he owns the house.

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