46: 안녕

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"Are you really leaving this early?" You asked Yoongi as he brushed his teeth.

Watching him is good enough but thinking of him going away for a month or so is not so good. You would probably ask him to stay if not for your sleepiness.

"Go back to bed. You're still sleepy." He said laughing at you.
"I want to see you until you leave. I won't see that face for a month you know."
"I think videocalling is still useful."
You sighed. "But it's different."
"Yah. I also want to stay. Should I stay?" He said after brushing his teeth.
"Ani. Just take care of yourself. Don't overwork."
"Yes, eomma!~" He said ruffling your hair.

He grabbed your hand and led you to the closet where he started undressing. You'll miss that body so much too. He smirked at you when he caught you staring at him.

"Wanna do it?" He asked.
"Oh shut up. Just get dressed already."
He laughed and started dressing up. "Relax. I already paid for a month supply of steamed buns. They'll deliver it anytime you want. I also bought a dozen bottles of ketchup."
"What about my cake?"
"The last time I bought cake for you, you didn't eat them."
"They don't taste like the ones I like." You said but he didn't seem to hear you.
"Ok! I'm going now."
"They're gonna pick you up here, right?"
He nodded. "Yes. I'll wait by the gate."
"I'll wait with you."
"You should sleep more."
"I'll miss you." You said before kissing his cheek.

Instantly, his cheeks turned pink. He looked away and grabbed his bag from the bed. You followed him out of the bedroom and the house. You stood outside by the gate waiting for the van.

"It's good to see you in blue." You said.
"You always wear black."
"Do you like blue on me?" He asked you.
"Holly does."
He nodded. "I should start buying blue clothes then. I'll buy tons in Japan."
"I'm just kidding."

He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close. You smiled but your smile slowly disappeared when you remember it. You looked at him and waited for him to look back at you.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked you.
"Who is Mina?"
He let go of you and stepped back. "Can I ask you something else first?"

He opened his bag and took a pink flipphone. Jin's. When did he... You gulped as he handed it to you.

"I saw this on the kitchen counter. I know him well. It's his I'm sure." He told you.
"What was he doing here that night?"

You looked at him and looked down. You heard tires. The van is coming. It stopped in front of the gate and the window opened.

"Annyeong, Y/N-ah!~" Taehyung said from the back seat.
"Let's go. Manager-nim is waiting for us in the airport." Namjoon told Yoongi.
"Wait. Where's Jin hyung?"
The window in the driver's side rolled down. "Called for me?"
"Can you come out here first?"

Jin opened the door and went out. You held Yoongi's wrist. What is he planning to do? Jin smirked at you and looked at Yoongi.

"Where's your phone?"
"Here."  Jin said showing his other phone.
"The pink one."
"Ah!~ You found it already." Jin said laughing.
"Stop laughing and answer me. What were you doing in my house alone with my wife?"

Jin laughed again. Namjoon got out of the car. He looks confused. You're holding Yoongi's wrist as tightly as you can. Please, Jin. Lie.

Jin smirked. "We were making out."

Yoongi pushed you away gently and grabbed Jin's collar. In just a second, Jin was already on the ground, his lip bleeding. Namjoon immediately ran to him and the other members went out of the van to help Jin too.

"Let's go to Japan." Yoongi simply said getting in the van.

The Best Mistake: Unacceptable Reasons (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now