8: Jimin is an Angel (Seriously, he's not human)

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"You shouldn't ask me. I'm not in the place to answer those questions." Yujin was talking when you entered the room again.
"Oh. There she is." Jungkook said pointing at you. "Where is Yoon-"
"Jimin-ah! I thought you're going to meet Jihyun." Hoseok said.
"Ah! He had to go back. We'll just meet tomorrow."
"Come and eat." Jin said.
"Hyung, you just ate the last piece." Jungkook said and Jin gave him a death glare. "Mwo?! It's the truth!"
"It's alright. I ate before going back. You, Y/N-ah?" Jimin asked you.

You looked at him for a while until you realized he's talking to you. His smile disappeared. He then sighed and patted your back gently.

"Yah. Don't overthink."

You looked at the others. They're all curious about what you and Jimin are talking about especially because they didn't know what happened before this. You looked at him again and faked a smile before joining the others. You chatted with them and laughed at their jokes like you're old friends. Hoseok is really friendly while Taehyung has this strange way of making you feel so comfortable with him. It's unbelievable if you'll say you just met today. But actually, that's the truth. You just met them today.

Every time you drift off the conversation and start to remember what you heard earlier, Jimin secretly holds your hand under the table and lets go when you finally join the conversation again. At first, you were shocked. You looked at him and he gulped nervously. It made you smile. You just let him do it.

Before returning to this room, you told him what you feel. Although he doesn't know what you are to Yoongi yet (and you don't know too), he knows how you feel about Mina. You also told him what you overheard. He doesn't know much and it's impossible for him to understand everything fully but he tried his best to comfort you. You remember his words.

"I don't know any friend of Yoongi hyung named Mina but I do know one thing. If he makes you feel special, you are really special to him. He doesn't go around fooling people, playing with their hearts. His love is genuine."

Just remembering it makes you smile. Jimin thought you're spacing out again so he held your hand for the nth time. Jin and Yujin were laughing at Jin's latest joke when you feel hands on your shoulders. You looked behind you and saw Yoongi. You immediately stood catching everyone's attention.

"Yoongi," You said as Jimin's hand land back on his own thigh.
"You look shocked."
"Hyung, noona brought lunch but Jin hyung ate everything." Jungkook said.
"I didn't eat everything! You all ate too!" Jin defended himself.
"I didn't eat anything!" Hoseok said seeing Yoongi's angry face.
"NADO! I wasn't even hungry. Yujin, we didn't eat, right?" Taehyung said.
Yujin nodded. "Only Jin oppa ate."

They all laughed at Jin's reaction but you just looked at Yoongi. He's staring at you blankly. He started walking to the door. The rest are still laughing at Jin including Jimin. You followed Yoongi. He had already walked so far away~ when you got out of the room.

You walked quickly after him. You grimaced. It's painful.

You can't run with your big tummy. Even just walking quickly hurts like stepping on broken glass. It's too painful.

Finally, you reached him and you immediately pulled his arm making him face you.

"MWO?!" He almost shouted.
You were panting too much so you couldn't answer.
"Yah. Gwaenchanha?"
You held his arm tightly for support. The pain is killing you.
"I'm...ok." You managed to say before you fainted.


Hey. Before anything else, I want to know how old you are. I'm not going to stop you from reading if you're too young (because I know I can't). I just want to know how old Holly's mom is (in real life). Please comment your age. Thanks!

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