The very reason why

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You looked at me,
Fallen to the ground,
Tears running down my ashen face.
I expected you to run,
Like all the others did,

But instead of scoffing,
Instead of throwing your head back,
In uncontrollable laughter,
You held out your hand,
Urging for me to grasp onto it.

At first I winced back,
Expecting you to throw a punch,
Like all the others have,
Done so many times before.
I tried to rack,
My excuse for a brain,
To come up with a solution,
As to why you hadn't lost your lunch,
Upon setting your glowing eyes,
Onto my distasteful face.

But you stood there,
A frown sketched,
On your glorious face.
As you watched me,
Watching you.

As you saw my refusal,
Instead of being dismissal,
Instead of deciding to run,
You put your hand by your side,
And sat down on the grass beside

You wiped your thumb,
Underneath my faltered eyes,
You lifted my head,
So that our eyes would lock.

For a second,
Nothing existed,
But you and I.
Our mouths were closed,
But the way our eyes spoke,
Went into further depths,
Than our words ever could.

I could feel it, by the way you looked
Into my eyes.
You weren't like the rest,
You were here to stay,
You were here to say,
When I couldn't.
To carve me a way.
You weren't ever going away.

Perhaps my eyes became too hopeful,
And my hopeful became too trusting.
My trusting too wishful,
And my wishful too decaying.

Because as soon as I started thinking,
That you would never leave,
That was when you stood.
A tear running down your glorious
I, sat in confusion,
As I watched your eyes filled with

I stood, preparing to chase you,
But you shook your head,
And said words that pain me,
Like a knife stuck in my heart.

"You're alright now, I came here,
Not to stay here.
I came to show you that your heart,
Can still love.
That your eyes can still gleam,
With the undying Passion,
I know that you contain.
I came here to stop your internal

I came not here to rashion,
I came here to show,
To prove your wavering mind wrong
I came here to wipe your tears,
So that perhaps you will see a little
I came here,
Not to stay here."

Was all you said, before disappearing,
Into the sunset.
As soon as you left,
I recognised your delicate touch,
And realised your heart aching words.

I have seen you before,
One too many times,
Wiping the same tears,
And placing the same dagger,
Where my heart once belonged.

You say you come to cure me,
You come to mend my broken heart,
Heal my aching scars,
So that my eyes shine once again, like Eeverlasting

You realise not the same fingers that Wiped my tears,
Are the cause for the rivers
Dwelled inside my,
Unloving heart.

You realise not that you,
Dear figment of my imagination,
Dear daydream in my nightmare,
Dear flicker to my hope,
Dear dying flame to what was Supposed to be,
My raw fire.
Dear dream, I wish that were true,

You, a lovely hallucination,
For my tears that could quench,
The thirst of a nation.
Are the very reason why.


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