Dark, cold air

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You're not a star,
Because your heart does not possess the
To light up an entire planet,
To bring warmth upon a world,
That would otherwise be cold.

You're not a daydream,
Because daydreams are happy,
They float for no purpose but to enlighten,
To wander into distant thoughts,
That would otherwise be another
Mind-ridden battle fought.

But you are the cold air around you,
The crisp wind against your cheeks,
As you walk along desolate hallways.
The yearning to erase yourself of this fate,
This fate of cold blood,
Running through what used to be,
Your warm veins.

You are darkness around you,
In a sheltered room,
You call out,
But no one answers.
So you remain seated,
In that corner that you created.
That corner that brings you more peace,
Than the light ever could.

But don't you see it?
A star has no purpose,
But to bring warmth,
A star has no beautiful features,
Besides it's blinding light.

You're not a daydream,
Because you don't fool your mind,
With silly fantasies,
You see it as it is,
For what it is.

You're the darkness,
Only because,
When people close their eyes,
What do they see?
Nothing at all,
But they feel.
They feel more than the light can ever
Make them feel.
Darkness does not mean hate or seething
Darkness means solitude
In a world that has become too blinding.

You're cold,
Only because cold air is clearer.
You see it in all it's simplicity,
No steam to misguide your eyes.

You may be broken,
With a heart tossed aside,
And eyes bleak
Of all hope they once possessed.
The possibilities aren't endless,
Because you realised a heart-wrenching
Everything was once dark without stars,
All was once cold without the stars,
So why alter a fixed fate,
When all was once you?

Those who refuse to breathe you in,
Who settle for the green pastures
And the flower-filled meadows,
Soon they too,
Will find the pleasure,
In dark, cold air.

(A/n: oh wow!!!  This is so friggin deep and saddish guys. It's like so negative. Its just I'm a seriously deep poet. (I don't even think I have the right to call myself a poet lol). But anyways, hope you enjoyed this poem, or hopefully it made you think... I dunno.

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