Perfect Contradictions

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I've never seen two people more
One emits darkness,
With each step she takes,
And the other creates light,
With every smile he flashes.

She always saw herself as nothing,
Nothing more than a rag.
Everyone saw him as perfect,
The ideal way you would imagine
A doll.
But together they were a rag doll,
Closely treasured,
Beneath the heart,
Of a laughing 6 year old.

She had always been blue,
From her eyes to the frozen,
Around her heart,
And he had lit up darkness,
Like the moon.
But together,
They were a blue moon.
Something so rare,
Something so admired,
For all to see.

He was beautiful,
In every way one could imagine,
And she was chaotic,
With each step she took,
The war within her grew.
But together,
They were beautifully chaotic.
Like the wind and the ocean,
So perfect yet so wild.

She was like ice,
So hard and cold,
So firm and stable,
And he was like cream,
He was delicate and pure,
He was full of energy,
But together,
They were ice cream,
Enjoyed by all,
Wanted by all,
Needed by most.

She was shooting,
Shooting words like bullets,
And he was a star,
Destined to be great.
But together,
They we're a shooting star,
Everyone makes a wish,
Upon their arrival.

Such perfect contradictions.
Without the other,
One would be great.
In their own uncanny way.

She, cold and hard,
Strong and harsh,
Brave and intimidating.

He, soft and perfect,
Kind and wondrous,
Great and pure.

But just imagine,
What those perfect contradictions,
Would be,
Once they were one?


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