It's withering

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I think it's gotten to me,
I guess I just love being unseen.
I mean I want to be seen,
But something in my soul,
Shifts away from the beckoning light.

I make others perfect,
Instead of watching myself,
But why would I watch myself,
If the very sight of me,
Makes me falter to the ground?

I hand out joy and smiles,
In return for the tears and the
I know who you are,
By only a look in the eye,
But me?
I have no idea,
What my cold eyes mean.

I've never felt this way,
Felt anxious,
In my anguish.
I've never wished to rather receive a
Than give it.

All my life Ive given,
Rather than received.
I think my heart is changing.
It feels like a mutation.
But not the good kind.

Like a mutation from someone
The image of ideal.
Kindness runs in her veins,
Into someone selfish,
Selfish and aching for love.

Perhaps my joy is fading,
And my patience is withering.

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