it all inspires me

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I guess it's a needle,
That hangs by a thread,
All that keeps it up high
Is a single line of cotton or polyester,
Yet it gives it all,
To perfect those patterned stitches,
It's determination inspires me.

Its the sorrow,
Of the skies' tears,
Their hoplessness and turmoil,
Giving life to brand new flowers,
And watering the wisdom-tainted trees.
It's sacrifice inspires me.

It's the stars,
Not the ones I can see,
But the ones that are hidden,
Somewhere beyond infinity,
The ones that know,
Their beauty will never be admired,
Yet they still shine as bright as they can,
Refusing to give up it's life's task,
Refusing to fade out it's spark,
It's hopefulness inspires me.

It's the snow,
So perfectly pure,
It flies from it's place in the sky,
To only hit the ground again,
And be turned into an aimless puddle,
Avoided by all around it,
Yet it still throws itself down with glee,
It's undying freedom inspires me.

Its the ground,
Trampled upon by hundreds,
Still offering a steady pathway,
In return for only dust and filth,
And kicks and jabs to it's face.
It's seen as nothing by everyone,
Discarded as dirt and worthlessness,
But I see it for all it is,
It's strength and steadiness inspires me.

It's a part of a rose,
Not the petals or the strong stem,
It's the thorns,
Always overlooked by the beauty
Of the rose itself,
Second guessed,
Causing wounds and splintered hands,
But it knows all it is,
And has no denial of who it is,
It's self-acceptance is what inspires me.

Its the ocean,
Crashing back and forth,
Not to be tamed by the sand or it's shore,
How it glistens in both the sunlight and
How it fearlessly rages it's waves,
Not caring who stands in it's waves,
It's bravery inspires me.

Why would I need to be inspired,
By another living being,
Someone who has blood flowing through
Their veins,
And a heart pumping that blood,
And a brain telling the heart to do so,
Someone who was taught to do all that I
When I see,
The very epitome of my existence,
Of my being,
The very start of life itself,
Is urging me to be all that it is,
That living itself,
Has taught me the power,
Of sheer determination,
And bravery?o

Life itself,
Is enough to inspire me.

(A/n: I've decided to end this book as soon as it gets to 120 poems... But don't worry I'll open up a new poetry book hopefully... If I have the time lol... Hope you guys liked this poem tho... I decided to use this one to enter into the writing competition as they told me that the theme is "what inspires me"...thank you... Xoxo

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