How sad is it?

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The stars are perfected to our destiny,
And our destiny lies in our hearts.
So truly,
It's all up to our hearts.
But what if our hearts aren't strong enough,
To carry the burden of that destiny?

Moonlight walks across beaches,
One hand in another,
Smiles to warm up a winter.
Standing tall in storms and hurricanes,
Because nothing dare,
Interrupt the bliss of those two love-struck

But what about the banter?
The threats and the tears?
Those who lock themselves in attics,
Because their unwanted presence,
Is the cause for winter?
Bitter faces that create havoc,
With the mayhem in their heart?

Its beautiful,
Is what they say,
Love is a daydream,
Love is a rose,
But they dont dare mention the nightmare,
Nor the thorns or the storms.

How sad is it,
That only a few lucky souls,
Have their story to share,
To make us want it as much as they have it,
But the others,
Theyve sowed for all their lives,
But reaping those stitches,
Is never what they will get.

Its all dandy and delight,
Those two staring into one another's eyes,
Until I see that lady,
Her clothes, that of rags and ripped straw,
She sits on the park bench,
Seeds in her pocket,
A dreary expression on her face.
She gives so much love to the birds,
Caring for their souls,
How she wishes,
That for once,
She could be the one cared for.
How sad is it?
Is all I think.

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