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We will never be seen as equals,
Simply because,
The strength of our lives lie not in our
It lies in our minds.
It lies in all we put into this world,
And that is seen as our weakness.
We turn houses into homes,
We turn seeds into beautiful flowers,
We take the least and we turn it into the
Yet our presence is only felt,
In the dishes we serve,
And the floors that are scraped clean.

See, women have fought,
For generations,
And still,
We are seen as inferior.
Is it because I can't carry a 40 kg boulder?
Because my arms are too weak?
Am I any less intelligent than you?
Am I any less human than you?
Does a heart,
Not pump blood through my veins like yours?
Does a brain,
Not tell me what to do like yours?

When a boy,  dreams of changing this world
He is capable,
And applauded,
Encouraged by all around him.
When a girl has the same dream,
She is seen as a power hungry fool,
Swimming in ambitions higher,
Than the shallow pools,
She ought to tread.

They say we're equal,
But then tell my why,
Husbands feel,
They have to right,
To beat up their wives,
And tell them,
This is a man's world baby,
Why Fathers feel,
They have to right,
To tell their daughters that they are meant
To serve, rather than be served.
A woman's place is in the kitchen.
Tell me why mother's,
People of our kind,
Tell us to limit our dreams,
Your voice needs to be soft.
A female president,
Is seen is to weak by society.

Is not a gender,
Not a bias or method of discrimination,
Womanhood is a nation,
A nation of people,
Who stand strong, when a household,
Is declared ownership,
By the man who works an eight hour shift,
Not the woman,
Who provides all day and every day.
Who keep their heads high,
When being catcalled down the street,
When us wearing a skirt,
Expressing our fashion,
Is seen as an "invitation."

Men have looked down at us,
But they realise not our power,
We are the chosen ones,
We are the start,
Because without us,
No man would exist.

When will people realise,
That we are the reason for it all,
The beating of my heart,
Ignites the sharp cuts of the wind,
The rhythm of my steps,
Send the waves crashing back and forth
A nation so powerful,
That is not aware of our power, just yet,
And oh when we do,
All hell will break loose.

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