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The end is always the best part,
To summarize all that's been said,
Through dreary introductions,
And tiresome journeys.
To prolonged arrivals,
And long awaited destinations.

But they don't mention all that lead,
To a beautiful end.
All the laughs and the smiles,
All the tears and the scars.
They don't mention the turmoil,
And the discovering of new things,
Like love and hate,
Like trust and deceit.

They're those last pages,
Your eyes ache to read,
In hope of a happily ever after,
In hope of unravelling secrets
And solved mysteries.
Some endings are bad,
They pin you in a corner,
With tears running down your cheeks,
And dampened tissues by your side.
Some endings don't turn out the way you
Want them to,
They weaken your heart,
And drop your spirits.

But in our case,
Our beginning was awful,
With unruly feelings and wilted thoughts,
So I hope our ending will be perfect,
I hope as my eyes close,
You're the last sight my human eyes,
Will ever rest upon,
Because that,
My dear,
Will be the best ending of all time.

(A/n: 120 poems!!!  Wow,  we have come a long way guys, and as much as it pains me to say, this book has come to an end.
I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
This journey with all of you awesome supportive people was amazing.
I love you all,


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