Cloud Nine

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It must've been your smile,
Or your laugh,
No, it was your eyes,
Or maybe it was your touch,
Or even your scent,
Perhaps it was all 4 senses.
Yes senses,
You bring out all my senses at once,
But it seems that youve replaced all the Sense in my mind,
With those 4 senses.

Your eyes dont hold infinities in them,
Because not even infinity,
Can describe their endlessness.
Your touch doesnt send electricity through
No capacitor can withstand,
What your charge sends through my veins.
Your laugh doesnt sound like melodies,
It is the sound,
That opens deaf ears.
Your smile isnt perfect,
Perfect doesnt come close to how it lights
Up my darkness.
And your scent,
It isnt described as the smell of roses,
Or even manly musk,
No, it is the smell,
That I remember,
And wish to inhale,
Upon treading a sewage camp.

Its insane what you do to me,
How I feel like I'm floating,
When I just stand by your side.
How when I see you walk past me,
My heart dives to my stomach,
Almost as if it is hiding away from you,
It knew what you did to me,
And decides to run,
Before i fall further into your trap,
But my heart doesnt realise,
Its a lost cause,
Theres no resurfacing,
When I'm as deep as it gets.

I smile to myself as I write this poem,
Just the very thought of you,
Has me captivated again.
Oh boy, I sigh,
Out of glee mixed with angst,
How you put me on cloud nine.

(A/n: I'm always writing romance nowadays.  I have no idea why!  Or maybe I do 🙈
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