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Shawn: Alright. Give me your hair dryer.

Camila: What are you talking about?

Shawn: Don't girls carry one in their purse?

Lauren: Have you ever associated with an actual human woman?

Shawn: *Calls Dinah*

Shawn: Hey, do you carry a hair dryer in your purse?

Dinah: Of course. I'm not an animal.


Jesy: You know what? We're smart too Jade!

Jade: Oh yeah? What's the difference between gamete and zygote?

Perrie: Don't fall for it, Jesy. She's just making up words.

Leigh: *Face palms*


Ally: Do you believe me?

Normani: Ally, you are the last good person on this earth. I would believe you if you said cartoon birds braided your hair this morning.


Perrie: I like punk girls.

Jade: Punk? I can be punk!

Jade: *Punches the wall*

Jade: ... Take me to the hospital ...


Dinah: You've got to tell mani how you feel dude.

Camila: No way!

Dinah: Is that what Troy Bolton would do?

Camila: ... What?

Dinah: I'm just trying to speak your language.


Jesy: Jade knows everything about me, watch.

Jesy: Jade, what am I allergic to?

Jade: Pine nuts, and the full spectrum of human emotions.


Camila: *Hands card to Normani* Happy Father's Day!

Normani: Why'd you get me a card for Father's Day?

Camila: You're my daddy...

Normani: *Chokes*


Perrie: I owe you my life!

Leigh: No thanks. I've seen it and I'm not impressed.


Shawn: Well what do you look for in a guy?

Camila: A vagina.


Perrie: I don't like it.

Jade: You don't like anything.

Perrie: I like you.

Jade: *Cries in gay*


Ally: I told you not to hurt anyone, not to swear, and not to drink any alcohol.

Lauren: I didn't!

Ally: I saw you punch someone, then say "Get off my fucking beer!"


Perrie: *Listening to two separate things at once* You see, I just realized I have two ears. So it's a waste to only listen to one thing.

Leigh: You just realized you have two ears?


Dinah: Hey I-

Normani: I strongly disagree.

Dinah: What? I haven't even said anything!

Normani: Sorry, force of habit, continue.


Perrie: Have you ever taken a leap of faith?

Jade: I married you. What would you call that?



Dinah: I really like Ally. But the problem is, she's perfect!

Dinah: I can't find one flaw!

Dinah: There was this one time, I thought she farted....

Dinah: ...But it was me.


Camila: *Ordering a cake over the phone*

Shop employee: And what would you like your cake to say?

Camila: *Covering up the speaker of the phone and staring at the girls* Guys, do we want a talking cake?

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