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Jade: I've had a pretty serious week. I could sure stand to do something stupid.

Perrie: I've been told I'm something stupid.


Ally to Dinah: What do you even want to do with your life? What do you want to be?

Lauren: *Snorts* A burden to society.

Dinah: *Gasps*


Leigh: Jesy, you're too picky dude. You know how many girls you could have?

Jesy: I'm not picky. You're just impressed with every pretty girl that can walk and talk.

Leigh: ... She doesn't have to talk ...


Normani: Why are you eating pudding on the floor?

Dinah: Well where else am I supposed to eat it, Mani? In the bathroom. That's disgusting.

Normani: *Walks away*


Jesy: Do you guys think I have anger issues?

Jade: Well I wouldn't really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.


Ally: What do you want to be for Halloween?

Camila: Loved and appreciated.

Ally: Okay! Alright, or, or, get this, how about, a ghost!


Interviewer: So how was that trip to Japan you and the girls took last week?

Jesy: At the end of it I can honestly say it was the best trip ever.

Interviewer: But I heard you lost the other girls and went back home?

Jesy: Best trip ever.


Laurinah's future kid: I'm moving into my closet.

Lauren: Why would you wanna do that?

Laurinah's future kid: Well Mommy said you lived in the closet growing up.

Lauren: DINAH!


[At a meeting]

Leigh: Sorry I'm late.

Jade: What took so long?

Leigh: Nothing I just didn't wanna come.


[During an argument]

Normani: Do you really wanna go there with me?

Camila: We already went there, bought a house, moved in, and now remodeled the kitchen!


Leigh: Hey Jade, nice pants! You know what would make them even better though? If they were on Perrie's bedroom floor.

Perrie: Are you flirting with Jade... for me?


Camila: Aren't you coming with me?

Ally: No, Camila. I'm not your mother.

Ally: Now here's your lunch, and don't forget I'm picking you up at 4. *Kisses Camila's forehead* Good luck.


Lauren: I've got very high standards.

*Random pretty girl walks by*

Lauren: I think I'm in love.


*On the phone at two a.m*

Perrie: Hey, are you asleep?

Jesy: No, I'm skydiving. It's 2 a.m, of course I'm sleeping.

Perrie: I'm sorry, I just can't sleep.

Jesy: Oh.

Jesy: Well I can. Goodnight.


Normani: Have you ever been in love?

Dinah: Does my reflection count?


Lauren: I need a hobby.

Ally: I have a hobby!

Lauren: Going to church twice a day isn't a hobby.

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