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Camila: So what time does the judgmental express arrive?

Ally: Lauren's already here, Mila.

Lauren: *Is visibly shook*


Jesy: There are six people and three chairs, what do you do?

Leigh: Have everyone stand!

Jade: Bring three more chairs.

Perrie: The most important ones can sit down.

Jesy: Wrong. You kill three.


Dinah: If you wanna be like that, then fine.

Camila: Fine!

*Five minutes later of not speaking*

Camila in tears: I didn't mean it like that!


Jesy: I want you to think about what you've done long and hard!

Perrie: That's what he said!

Jesy: *Quietly* Don't. Don't you dare.


Perrie: *About Jade* All of my girlfriends snacks are organic.

Normani: That's cool. Camila eats candy off of the floor.


Camila: Waiter, get me your finest drink.

Waiter: Well miss, our finest drink is 1979 Pinot-

Camila: No, no, no. The good stuff.

Waiter: Our wines are-

Camila: No. The name brand stuff!


Camila: *Exasperatedly* Caprisun.


*Right after an argument*

Jesy: I wanna do bad things to you.

Leigh: *Smirking* I knew you'd come around. Like what?

Jesy: Like break your fucking neck.


Dinah: Are leaves called leaves because they leave the tree?

Ally: Dinah, it's 4 a.m. SlEEP.


Perrie: Jade, your clothes are awful!

Jade: *Clearly insulted* Well what should I wear then, Perrie?

Perrie: *Smirking* Nothing.


Lauren: Why is Ally standing on a stool?

Normani: She likes to feel tall.


Jade: Jesy, I did something bad.

Jesy: Does it effect me?

Jade: Well no, but-

Jesy: Then suffer in silence.


Normani: Camila, go back home.

Camila: *Choking up* Y-You don't wanna be with me?

Normani: No, that's not what I meant-

Camila: *On the floor in tears* How could you say that?

Normani: *Sighs*


Leigh: What do you want?

Perrie: Mental stability, for my anxiety to go away, Jade to love me back-

Leigh: I meant from the store...


Camila: Lauren, are you grabbing my ass?

Lauren: Can you blame me?


Leigh: You like me? You like my personality?

Jesy: I know. I was surprised too.


Lauren: *About Ally* Just drop subtle hints that you like her.

Dinah: Okay. Subtle. You're right.

Ally: *Walks by*

Dinah: *At the top of her lungs* ALLY, I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU.

Lauren: *Sighs and holds her head in her hands*


Jesy: Perrie, wake up!

Perrie: I'm not sleeping. I'm dead. Leave flowers and get the fuck out.


Camila to Dinah: If I run and leap into Mani's arms, she will definitely catch me.

Dinah: No, she won't.

Camila: Watch this.

Camila: Coming in!

Normani: No! Wait! I'm holding coffee!

Normani: *Drops coffee and catches Camila*

Dinah: ?????


Perrie: Jesy, I'm sorry.

Jesy: I'm starting to think "Jesy, I'm sorry" is my actual name.


Ally: What do you call sabotage and vandalism?

Lauren: A hobby.

Ally: *Silent*

Lauren: ...that I do NOT engage in.

Ally: *Sighs*

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