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Simon: What's it like practically being the girls mom?

Ally: It's a journey... mainly going from room to room and putting the same toys away all day long. But a journey nonetheless.


Jesy: Most of my time spent in this tour bus is touching things and wondering why they're sticky.

Jade: Perrie spills a lot of juice...


Dinah: *After losing Camila in the store* Have you seen my friend Camila? Brown hair, big ass, clearly gay but we haven't had the talk yet.


Jesy: Jade, you're in charge while I'm away.

Jade: Alright, I'm your lad!

Jesy: Don't do anything stupid.

Jade: I'm kinda your lad.

Jesy: And keep the girls out of trouble.

Jade: I'm not your lad.


Lauren: We had to leave at this ungodly hour?

Ally: It's four in the afternoon...

Normani: She's got a thing about sunlight.

Lauren: It's too bright!


Perrie: Hey, could you get something out of my back pocket?

Jade: *Smirking* What am I getting out of this?

Perrie: A chance to feel my ass.

Jade: ...

Jade: Deal.


Camila: My food is too hot, I can't eat it.

Normani: Well, you're too hot and I still eat you.


Camila: *Faints*

Ally: *Slams hands on table* ONE DINNER. I JUST WANT ONE NORMAL DINNER.


Jesy: Jade, so are you and Leigh like, a thing?

Jade:  What? We're not a thing...

Leigh: Not a thing?

Leigh: You seriously should not be saying that while my hand is so far up your pants, I can practically count the change in your pocket.


Normani: Why are your tongues purple?

Dinah: Oh, because I had a red slushie.

Lauren: And I had a blue one.


Leigh: *Knocking on Jesy's door* Jes?

Jesy: *Peers out from behind the door* Not now Leigh, I'm busy.

Leigh: Doing what?

Perrie: *Peering out from behind Jesy*

Perrie: Me.


Ally: What are your strengths?

Camila: I fall in love too easily.

Ally: ... Okay. What are your weaknesses?

Camila: *Sighing and smiling* Those brown eyes of yours.


Perrie: *Licks lip in anticipation* I'm so nervous, I've never gone bungee jumping before.

Leigh: Please don't lick my lips again.


Camila: Dinah completes me.

Lauren: Um, excuse me?

Camila: Oh, you're good too.

Lauren: I'm your girlfriend.

Camila: Look, you may be the love of my life, but Dinah is my soulmate.


Jesy: *Seductively* Tell me all your fantasies, baby.

Jade: I wish I was a dragon.

Jesy: No, I mean-

Jade: But instead of fire, I breathe jelly beans.


Ally: Lauren, you need to get your priorities straight.

Lauren: Listen, my priorities will always be gay as hell, Ally!


Perrie: *Grabs a ruler and starts poking Jesy with it*

Jesy: Ow, what the fuck are you doing?!

Perrie: I'm measuring your patience.


Camila to Dinah: I'm so mad at you.

Camila: You're literally the worst type of person.

Dinah: *Shows the slightest change in expression*

Camila: No! I didn't mean it, I love you so much!

Camila: *Starts kissing Dinah's face*

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